
Do Hawks hurt humans while feeding on thier prey?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a Hawk swoop down and grab a bunny from my backyard. The Hawk had a Blonde head and Blonde legs as thick as a baseball bat! The hawk only ate the bunny's head and it's insides, but left its legs behind. I also see Hawks standing on this cell phone tower spreading out its wings with a 5 to 6 foot wing span getting ready to fly. The weird thing is, is that it ate it's food in the front yard, when it usually takes it's food back to it's nest. I threw rocks at it, and it would just stare at me and keep eating. Will it attack me?




  1. Since I have lived in this flat I have noticed a family of pied wagtails they have been here for about seven years and there are three of them.  They take no notice of a group of carrion crows and go about their business regardless. If they aren't worried by the crows, why should you worry about one hungry hawk, just be sure and wear your body armour whenever you venture outside. (And carry your AK47 just in case).

  2. it will attack and probably kill you.  it probably had a bad hunt and is very hungry which is why it is eating there. trust me leave it alone. no animal responds well to people bugging it while it eats, the fact that its huge and powerful just makes for a bad time for you. unless there is a really good reason to bother it just leave it alone. close the drapes and don't watch if it bugs you. (also if you were that huge bird would you run from you?)

    EDIT: i hadn't thought about you question properly, i didn't mean it would just randomly attack you, I meant if you messed with it.

  3. Yes it probably will. Don't go anywhere near that thing and don't stare at it or it's food.

  4. Why on earth are you throwing rocks at an animal that is acting naturally.  Would you like it if someone threw rocks at you every time you sat down to eat a meal.  It is not being is feeding itself.  Also, you throwing rocks at it is illegal...harassing, or harming a native wild bird in any way can get you fined or jailed..they are ALL protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.  Why do you think an animal feeding itself is vicious?  I think you need to take a biology 101 course, or do some internet research  on what a food web is and how an ecosystem works.  The bird eating the meal in your yard is not unusual..they will only bring a meal back to a nest that has chicks in it that need to be fed.  Birds do not live in nests..they raise young in it.  No, the hawk is not going to attack you (unless maybe you climbed up to it's nest) In the future, please leave wildlife alone and stop harassing it for no reason.

    Edit: if it was your pet..then why is it running around loose out in nature..if you keep pet rabbits they should be in a wildlife proof pen where they are safe from hawks and other predators.

  5. What you describe sounds like a golden eagle. I doubt it would hurt you unless you grabbed it.

  6. Usually hawks and eagles leave people alone unless they are messing with the nest or perhaps throwing rocks at it

    what you had was a golden eagle, blonde head and huge size were the feild marks of your bird; and harming them is against federal law

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