
Do Hillary supporters know of the Branch Davidian Massacre? Why don't they blame Bill or Hillary for this?

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Hillary likes to take credit for what Bill was involved with. Do you think it is fair to blame them the whole world watched as this went on. Go search on your computer and read the reports posted and when and who posted them. This is not make believe. Search Branch Davidian Massacre. They don't teach this history in school and they think we should not be concerned with records. We are suppose to just forget it. I won't. I owe the troops to give them a Commander and Cheif we can all be proud of. I had to go though one Clinton Administration nobody should ever have to do it again.




  1. Oh, because Hillary only takes credit for the popular things that Bill did.  I have yet to hear her even mention Somalia, or acknowledge the troops Bill still has in Bosnia and Kosovo.

  2. Three reasons:

    1. That massacre was more the Branch Dividian's fault than anyone's.

    2. If the President were responsible for every s***w up by the FBI, then every President since Coolidge would have to have been impeached.

    3. Who cares about the Branch Davidians? We voted in a President who is responsible for the deaths of a million Iraqis and 4,000 of our own troops. Why would we care about electing someone who just happened to be the wife of the President when the FBI botched their raid?

    I'm not endorsing Hillary Clinton for President, but if you are seriously basing your vote on THIS incident, then you're nuts.

  3. bill was smart enough to let reno take the hit.

  4. The Davidians killed four FBI agents and wounded 16.  Should they have just left the Davidians alone at that point?  The fire was not started by the FBI or Reno.  The people should have gotten out when the fire started but they were either not permitted to do so or they didn't want to leave.  Who is really responsible for that?  There were hearings for months about it and Reno was exonerated.

  5. Yes, I know about this. Another case of bad information leading to a bad decision. The more recent case of bad information leading to a bad decision has had a world wide impact that will take the US generations to recover from.

  6. You're REALLY reaching on this one.

    Why are you so frightened by a competent woman running for president? These kinds of stupid posts are exactly the reason that I would support Hillary---people like you who would say AN-Y-THING to try and discredit her would also be threatened by ambitious women in the workplace and do the same to block their ambitions to rise to positions of authority and power. Competent men don't feel threatened by competent, ambitious women, and don't feel the need to fabricate things to discredit them, so you tell us everything we need to know about you with your stupid post.

    You're REALLY reaching on this one. I smell desperation.

  7. This wasn't Bill or Hillary Clinton. Janet Reno did not take the blame to get anyone off the hook. She had enough integrity and guts to stand up and admit this was a mistake that did indeed happen under her watch..She did not run from the event but took responsibility for what happened.

  8. I have no idea what you are trying to ask. You need to learn how to spell and pronounce the names of things you want to talk about.

  9. Becuase it was the ATF who made the decisions, not the president. He probably didn't hear about this infraction until the flames were through the roof. It was not the normal daily business for the president to be notified of an FBI\ATF invasion. That would be a good question for bill. "Did you ever hear anything about the Branch Dividians prior or during the investigation and invasion?"--- Since you asked me... :) It was really the problem of religious fanatasism which brought down the house. Hmnn, is that somewhat relative to the whole country? Who voted georgie in 2 times? Religious zealots. What a coincidence.

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