
Do Hillary voters who are switching to McCain think that this will make Hillary happy?

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Do Hillary voters who are switching to McCain think that this will make Hillary happy?




  1. Nobody will switch to decaying cadaver McCain. Get real

  2. Absolutely she would be assured another campaign run in 2012.

  3. You bet your @ss it does!

  4. Yes!  2012 is her last chance.

  5. Yes because that will help ensure Obama's loss and therefore pave the way for her 2012 run for the White House.

  6. There really isn't a significant portion of Hilary supporters siding with McCain, its just built up by the media. Any sort of tension is always highlighted in political campaigns.

  7. Deep down it probably does.    If Obama (peace be upon him) loses this time, she will be the presumptive nominee in '12.  She is probably praying that he loses.

  8. I'm not a Hillary supporter, but I don't think it will. She's obviously a Democrat, so why would she want her followers to vote for the opposite party? People who are switching to McCain do not understand politics.

  9. Holy Cow, I am glad you see the light and I hope you're right, but the young lady just above you doesn't give me too much hope.  

  10. They obviously aren't in their right state of mind.

    Voting against your best interest just to pout about not getting exactly what you want, is something a 4 year old would do....if they could vote.

    I guess you don't have to be an adult emotionally to have the right to vote.

    Just a very small minority of fringe fanatics that can't let go of the past is all they are.

  11. all they are, is a bunch of the operation kaos republicans who were trying to help Hillary get elected, because they were sure it would guarantee a Republican victory. They are just switching back to their own party, and giving it one last ditch effort, trying to scare democrats into dumping Obama. They are nothing but  bunch of traitors trying to manipulate how a democracy is suppose to work, by sabotaging one candidate to get their own into office just because they want McCain to pick right-wing justices in an attempt to turn America into a theocracy.

  12. I honestly don't think there really are that many of us Hill supporters that are switching to McCain.

    I recently moved back to NYS from Michigan and while we were angry voters in Michigan I did not know a Hill supporter voting McCain.  Some were considering Independent voters and some were voting for Obama.  Here in NYS all of us Hill supporters, and we are the ones who got her into office (twice) are voting for Obama as far as I know.

    I think a lot of this talk is from Operation Chaos. And even if you look at the people who are talking up Hill in 2012 on this page you'll note none of them consider themselves Democrats.

  13. Yes I do, by helping McCain win, I am guaranteeing her a victory in 2012.

  14. Who are these mythical switchers?  I wouldn't vote for McCain if you paid me.  I supported Clinton at first but she lost.  I'm not going to switch to a party that is counter to my interests and I don't think other democrats will either.

  15. Who would want to vote for somebody that is so inexperienced and unqualified. The DNC selected the most unqualified candidate and pushed Clinton out. I'm voting Republican. Maybe the DNC will get their act together for 2012.

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