
Do Homeopathy has proper medicine for SLE or any other Alternatives mediums other than Allopathy?

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Is HomeoPathy treats SLE Disease stright away. If it has what is the treatment? Is it proven and if it is proven what is the proff? Is there any alternative medicines other than Allopathy for this treatment. Here SLE Refers: Systemic lupus erythematosus disease




  1. I do know of some natural herbs for helping LUPUS

    Do not do any immune stimulants because Im sure you know lupus is an autoimmune disorder and your dont want to stimulate the immune system when it is already attacking the body.

    Adrenal Support will help you alot

    Omega 3

    Vit c and zinc

    Grapine to order or read more

    we can also talk more about this if u are intersted

  2. First off, I'm not aware of any proven cures for SLE. The cause of SLE is idiopathic (unknown) and is an auto-immune disorder. As fas as Western Meds go, please be aware that pharmaceutical drugs can cause quasi-lupus like symptoms.

    I'd say think about homeopathy and Chinese Medicine. It's not like Western Meds offers a cure and the alternative medicine doesn't kill you or have harsh side effects compared to drugs.


    Be cautious.  My daughter passed away in February from a Lupus related illness.  We tried many varying treatments and diets, but also worked closely with her doctor and specialist.  It's not an illness to play about with as the immune system can very easily go into meltdown and once that happens and infections set in, it's not possible to rely on homeopathy alone.

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