
Do House Geckos Need a Lamp?

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Do they? help might get one.Also do they sell house geckos in pet stores?




  1. They need a heat source, but they also need a lamp to provide a normal day and night cycle.  They need a semi-dry environment.

    They are nocturnal, and adorable lil guys.  I have a 'colony' of 13 and get delighted each and every time young appear in the large tank.  The babies are just irresistible compared to the much duller adults (but I like the adults, too).

    As another mentioned, these little guys can to up, down, and all around (up the glass, and across a ceiling!), so be sure they can't escape.  They wriggle through the tiniest gap between a tank and screen top.  I actually have my top taped to the tank, and it has a large sliding access door on each end of the screen top, for feeding, cleaning and removing the young.

    They are available in most pet stores.

    Enjoy your new pet, and I hope this has been helpful.

  2. yes they do need a lamp and the gecko is avalible at any petstore

  3. No they don't; they are nocturnal, and they do not bask. However, they do need a heat source of some sort, as they are tropical. There are several small gecko species known as "house geckos", and many pet stores sell them.

    You should research the needs of this species thoroughly.

  4. Yes they need a lamp but there tank should be relatively cool because they need misting like anoles and other tropical lizards i had one and they are very fast and start out small they fit in cracks you didn't even know you had in your house mine escaped from the cage 27 times each for about a month at a time until he finally got him self killed by going into the bathroom wall he came out 3 months later but by then he was so starved he didn't have energy to eat. yes they sell them at pet stores i was originally going for 2 anoles but a house gecko turned up in the anole cage and i bought him so buy one at your own risk  

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