
Do I, an South African citizen need to apply for a tourist visa for the nation of Uruguay?

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Do I, an South African citizen need to apply for a tourist visa for the nation of Uruguay?




  1. you shouls call the Uruguayan consulate in your country here's the info:

    Embassy of Uruguay in Pretoria, South Africa - 1119 Burnett St. MIB House Of. 301/3rd. Floor Hatfield 0083 P.O.B. 3247 Pretoria 001,  

    Tel: (2712) 362 65 21 - 362 65 22, Fax: (9512) 362 65 23, Cable: URUSUD, E-mail:

    good luck!

  2. Easier way to find out is to use this website.  Just enter your nationality and destination and click for the info.  You will see that it says you do not need a visa for a visit of up to 3 months.

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