
Do I HAVE to be circumcised?

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I am a 15 year old male with phimosis (I can retract flaccid). I have been stretching for months and months now.. Probably near 7/8 months. I know the simple answer is circumcision, however in NZ hardly anyone is circumcised and I would hate to feel so different.

I wont have the same pleasure, will have to use lube and will feel so different. Not to mention the whole surgery fandango..

Is their no other option? I have been to 2 doctors and neither have suggested a Preputiplasty.




  1. Don't do it!  

  2. No and at your age it would be painful.

  3. Few doctors ever suggest a preputioplasty, or dorsal slit, as they make money from circumcisions, and I don't know about New Zealand, but in the US our doctors are frequently members of the minority religious groups that try to impose this practice on others.

    You can contact Doctors Opposing Circumcision and possibly they would know of a doctor in NZ who would be more f******n-friendly, not intent on genital mutilation the way that most of them are.

    You can also contact NOCIRC.    

    It shouldn't be just because you don't want to be different--the f******n is a natural and normal part of the body, and is there to protect the glans and your sexual sensitivity and ability.

    Have you typed in phimosis on your browser to get more information?

    There are all sorts of sites, and there is even a tool called a "glansie" to help with the stretching procedure.

    I was circumcised as an infant, and this destroyed my sexual ability, because there was more than the usual nerve damage from the mutilation, resulting in my inability to reach o****m in normal s*x.

    That's why I oppose circumcision.    It destroyed my s*x life, and I want to spare others from the possibility of what happened to me.

    It's more common than you would think, complications from this mutilation.

    Whatever you do, keep your f******n.    I'm restoring mine, using a stretching technique, and have had good results, but it will never be as good as the original.    Sensitivity has improved, together with orgasmic intensity, but I can only imagine what it would have been like to be left intact and whole.

    Don't trust the doctors regarding this issue.     They are biased for circumcision.     Most of them are circumcised, and have no concept of the feeling of having a whole and intact p***s.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

    Oh, I almost forgot, could a part of the problem be a tight frenulum, the band of tissue on the underside of the glans connecting the f******n to the p***s?      This can also be treated without circumcision.      You absolutely do not have to be circumcised; circumcision is never necessary or desirable.

  4. i don't know, circumcision is the best fix for phimosis. Don't worry about being different, girls are the only ones that will see it, and most of them prefer circumcised guys. And lost of sensation is something anti-circumcision groups say to scare people off of it. Hope this helps.

  5. hi there.

    i wouldn't recommend circumcision. though if you want, you don't need a full circumcision. i believe that there aresome options that allow you to retain some f******n (partial circ), or dorsal slit. you can always seek a second opinion from another urologist.

    i had the same prob before and this is what i did.

    i put 2 index fingers under my f******n and pulled it apart until it started to hurt but was not painful. hold it there then release it. i kept doing this over and over whenever i could. in the shower, on the toilet, in my room etc. i did this when i was soft, and obviously you also want to make sure you wash your p***s with soap and water everyday. overtime it loosened and i can now pull my f******n back when i'm erect.

    try it out and hopefully it will work for you too.

    GOOD LUCK with it :)

  6. George H,

    No, you do not have to be circumcised. There is no reason to completely remove the f******n to cure phimosis. In worst case, if stretching and everything else fails, you can find a doctor who will perform preputioplasty. This surgery does not remove any tissue, it is less painful than circumcision, involves less risks and recovery is quicker.

    Also, women usually prefer what they are used to, and in NZ being intact is the norm.

    Donna H:

    "Circumcised guys have every bit as much pleasure as uncirced guys. That is nonsense and there are no studies which prove uncirced guys enjoy s*x more than circed guys."

    And pray tell, how can you as a woman claim with 100% certainty that circumcised men have as much pleasure as uncircumcised?

    A study published in British Journal of Urology found that circumcision removes the most sensitive part of the p***s:

    Here is another study, where many men claimed negative sexual consequences of circumcision:


    There were no significant differences in sexual drive, erection, ejaculation, and ejaculation latency time between circumcised and uncircumcised men. Masturbatory pleasure decreased after circumcision in 48% of the respondents, while 8% reported increased pleasure. Masturbatory difficulty increased after circumcision in 63% of the respondents but was easier in 37%. About 6% answered that their s*x lives improved, while 20% reported a worse s*x life after circumcision.


    There was a decrease in masturbatory pleasure and sexual enjoyment after circumcision, indicating that adult circumcision adversely affects sexual function in many men, possibly because of complications of the surgery and a loss of nerve endings.

  7. don't circumcise!!!!!!!!! you will lose so much things, don't do it

  8. Until about 20 years ago the majority of males in NZ, Australia, Canada etc were circumcised. It is a custom which seems to come and go.

    In your case phimosis strongly suggests that you consider this option. By having it done you will find cleanliness to be ever so much easier. You will prevent any risk of infection and also cure your phimosis and eliminated the risk of paraphimosis.

    Circumcised guys have every bit as much pleasure as uncirced guys. That is nonsense and there are no studies which prove uncirced guys  enjoy s*x more than circed guys.

    And I consider a prepuplasty to be a poor alternative and it too is surgery - go for the circumcision. With the help of a urologist get your circumcision done!

    Finally, it is true that many of us women prefer our lovers to have been circumcised.

    Good luck

  9. I really don't recommend circumcision! If you can retract when flaccid it's really not that severe. You are right, you will lose sensation and it would not be a fun procedure.

    Have you asked the doctors about preputioplasty? Or how about betamethasone cream? It's a steroid cream used to loosen tight foreskins, it's very effective. I suggest you see another doctor and specifically ask them about that cream. If you google it you might find some information. Or ask for a referral to a specialist and specifically say you want to know all treatments other than circumcision.


  10. It rather depends on the type and cause of your phimosis.  I hope you are consulting with a urologist for this, as that would be the person with the most experience to help you.  If you have been trying to stretch the f******n for this long without making significant progress, then chances are that you probably should really consider the circumcision.  I can't say you will or won't have the same pleasure, since if you are not able to retract the f******n, s*x will not exactly be an option for you unless you care to tear yourself.  That will not be a pleasant sensation at all.  As far as having to use lubrication, no- you won't necessarily.  Most lubrication is actually produced by your partner, not the male.  That's a whole different matter all together.  You will be more sensitive at first, while the tissue heals and settles down, and obviously things will feel differently at first.  However, a great many males are circumcised and they do just fine.  In fact, a majority of the men in the US are, and there doesn't seem to be any major problems for any of them.  It doesn't seem to slow them down any.  As far as being different, I'm not sure that's really as big an issue as you think.  I don't believe most fellows compare equipment by the time they are your age.   Besides, it's not how the wand looks that is important.  Nor whether yours wears a turtleneck sweater or a helmet.  The girl of your dreams isn't going to care either.  She will care mostly that you know what to do with the wand, not how it's clad.  So discuss all your options with the urologist.  Mention the preputioplasty, and ask if that would be a good option for you.  For that particular procedure, you will want a urologist with some experience at it.  It may also not be possible if there is any previous scarring or granulation tissue.   And if you form adhesions or keloid scarring, it won't be an option either.  Just ask the urologist, then make the really informed decision.  Because if you don't do something, s*x isn't really going to be an option.

  11. Coogi22, how would girls in New Zealand, where the person asking the question lives, prefer circumcised guys when, as he and statistics say, hardly anyone there is circumcised.  And yes, there is a reduction in sensitivity after circumcision.  If you took 11th grade biology, you could figure that one out yourself.  Google "nerve endings."

    Circumcision is not the only option.  There is a procedure where the doctor can loosen the f******n and remove a BIT of the tip so it can be retracted easily.  Either that or wait a little bit just in case it loosens on its own.  I couldn't retract mine fully until 16 years of age.

  12. A preputioplasty should be able to cure any tight f******n where stretching and steroid cream application have failed. This is an operation in which a cut is made through the tight ring that is limiting f******n retraction, in an up and down direction and then sewn up in an across direction. Once this has healed (2-3 weeks) the f******n can usually be retracted fully.

    So if your doctors haven't suggested it, why don't YOU ASK them about it? Make clear to them your desire to avoid circumcision unless its a LAST resort!

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