
Do I Have A Chance At Becoming Pro?

by Guest31632  |  earlier

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Hi i was wondering if i have a chance at becoming a proffesional tennis player. I practice about 4-5 times a week,each is 1-2 hours. I take group lessons every monday and wednsday. Umm i dont know much about that USTA rating but i guess i would be like a 2.5 to 3.5 im not sure lol. Im going into 9th grade (im 13) I have a preety good racket it was like 160 i thinks its called microgel mojo or something lol. Anway please tell me what you think and if i cant please tell me what i should do to increase my chances. Thanks




  1. No practice more and put your heart into it every day for like 3 hours

  2. Straight and honest: no. You havent said much about your years of experience, but I'm guessing you have been playing for maybe a year or two. Pros started using a racket anywhere from 2 to 8 years old. Some have been late bloomers, starting at 10 or 11 (and they must have worked their butts off!)

    I wanted to have the same aspirations, but I'm still learning the game and developing myself. I past years I have practiced 3 to 4 hours a day every day except Sundays, for months, and there's still so much to learn. Pros have learned to dedicate themselves solely to the game of tennis. It's their lifestyle. If you wanted to be one, you have to make that choice and focus yourself entirely.

    Try making your high school tennis team and work your way to the top. That is excellent experience. And if the pro thing doesnt work out, you could always play college tennis.

    I would say that the racked does not make the pro... its hard work, patience, persevearance, diligence, and all that good stuff. There's more to becoming a pro than just playing tennis, like working out specific muscle groups, running, doing drills that develops oneself mentally and physically, and finding a balance of life.

    I suggest that you look deep within to find if there's the courage and determination to follow that path.

  3. Right now, I would guess no. In the 9th grade I used put just about 3-4 hrs per day. And probably around 6-7 hrs in the summers. I play 3rd singles at  D1 college right now(I was a freshman last year), so kind of make sense of that.  

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