
Do I Have A Greedy Guinea Pig?

by Guest58389  |  earlier

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Today my Guinea Pig Jack decided that she was going to eat all around her. She's been eating tomatos and sweetcorn and just now she had a lot of lettuce. She can't be hungry because she has been dragging her sweetcorn and tomatos around and eating them all day. Now she keeps screeching until I give her more lettuce and I'm worried about how fast she is chewing and swallowing it. Is she actually still hungry or is she just being a greedy Guinea Pig?

I always give into her because I want her to love and like me. Should I be doing this? Now each time I leave the room and come back in she is roaring at me for more food. Is this natural?




  1. Don't give her anymore food. She will eventually stop screeching. Maybe you should let her run around so she won't get fat. I feed mine a lot of food but I make them run around afterwards. It's alright to feed them a lot of food just make sure they get enough exercise. I let mine run around for an hour a day but I keep them out of their cage for three to four hours a day.

  2. haha its only normal because you give in to her! Make sure she always has guinea pig food pellets available for her so that if she is truly hungry she will eat something that has all the nutrients she needs to survive. Give her the other stuff only as treats and not too much or it could end up making her sick. If she fills up on lettuce (which isn't high in nutrients especially if it is the light iceburg stuff) then she will be less likely to eat the stuff she needs to survive.

    If you think about it though, if you really really like chocolate cake and you know if you make a certain squeaking noise that your mom will undoubtedly give you chocolate cake every time, wouldn't you be squeaking a lot? Guinea pigs aren't as stupid as we think. :)

    The less you give in to her the less she will squeak. If you want her to love you give her attention, not food.

  3. Lettuce is not very nutritious, so she could still be hungry.  You should feed her kale, parsley or carrots.  Guinea pigs spend their time in the wild foraging, so I wouldn't be concerned that she is eating too much.  Do you also feed her pellets?  She might just be screeching because she is happy to see.  Guinea pigs are pretty stupid, but they make good pets because they like to be cuddled.  You can also take her outside and put her underneath a laundry basket and just let her eat grass.  They love dandelions.  Make sure you stay out there with her because a number of animals would like to eat her.

  4. if you think your guinea pig is eating too much i would not give in to her and only give her a small portion of food daily and get her into a routine and  another thing why she may be eating too much is that she may need something to chew on to shorten her teeth other wise if this continues she will get fat and have heart problems and can die from it or she may be pregnant

  5. she might be pregnant!!!! go to you vet to find out

  6. My one year old Guinea, Chichi, is just like that. She squeels everytime I come in the room because she thinks I am giving her food! It can be annoying too so I give in. But try not to give in ALL the time and give her healthy food. No lettace. It is bad for her and she can get addicted. Actually my new Guinea, Honey, is starting to get like Chichi. Darn them pigs!


  7. Does she have grass hay at all times?

    They will beg and eat veggies all day if they could usually.

  8. I would say that she's just plain old greedy or pregnant maybe.  How long have you had her?  I bought a female hamster from the pet store...a week later?  I have 8 babies running around her cage! My hamster ate so much I did the exact same thing and I was worried too, so she just might be pregnant.

  9. Well i have a guinea pig too..... They need attention or they will squeak like crazy! If they want lettuce you have to give them lettuce but kale is better for them. My guinea pig gets played with at least twice a day. But make sure there not eating to fast. My guinea pig ate a carrot to fast and got the hiccups. Its not bad just make sure they eat slowly and at a good pace.

    Good luck!

    Rachel XD

  10. umm, no. you have created a monster pig. The pelleted guinea pig diet should be her primary source of food, with fruit and veggies being used as a treat/reward. Fresh water available at all times, of course. Spoiling your pig won't cause it to love you any more. Time to crack down and show your pig who's boss.

  11. This happens to mine, just ignore them for a while- they will get tired and stop.

  12. By doing a little research from good ole Wikipedia, the scientific answer would be that your guinea pig Jack, is running a little low on Vitamin C.  Like humans, guinea pigs cannot synthesize their own Vitamin C, so they must consume food to obtain that nutrient.  If a guinea pig doesn't consume enough of that nutrient, it could possibly suffer from scurvy.  Scurvy is an infection that can consist of 3 main effects:  spongy gums, spots on your skin, and bleeding from the lips, nostrils, and ears.  

    Hopefully this information was helpful to you and Jack!

    Happy to help!

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