
Do I Have A Train Seat?

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Me And My Friend Booked Train Tickets Online And They Have Now Come But On One Of Our Journeys Where It Is Supposed To Say Your Seat Number it Says "No Seat" Does This Mean We Have No Seat? Im Confused




  1. Why Does Every Single Word You Wrote In That Question Start With A Capital Letter? Capital letters are for the beginning of sentences as well as proper nouns only.

  2. Yes, you have a seat, but not one with your name on it. You may find that you have to split up if the train is offy busy.

  3. IT MEANS U DONT HAVE A RESERVED SEAT  go with madge bout thew first class thing ( i got to try that )

  4. Its pot luck if you haven't reserved one- you could endup standing all the way so i hope you are not going far.

  5. it means no seat is reserved for you, you will just have take your chances in one of the carriages which doesn't have reserved seating, lil tip: if you do not get a seat and complain nicely about it, they will upgrade you to first class

  6. You do not have a seat. You should have gone to your local station and broght your ticket there, they would have given you seat reservations, you would have the ticket then and there, you would have not paid the postage, credit charge, admin charge, etc for the ticket, also if you have a problem, you will have to go back to the company that sold you it at least 7 days in advance of travel to change journey plans!

    Next time, go to the station!!

  7. No, it means that you do not have a seat booked!

  8. When your journey involves more than one leg it is often the case that the operator providing the link to or from the main leg of the journey doesn't offer seat reservations. For example, let's say your journey was from Bridgwater in Somerset to Stratford Upon Avon in Warwickshire.

    Reservations are not available on local services from Bridgwater to Bristol, nor from Birmingham to Stratford.

    You would, however be given reserved seats on the main part of the journey from Bristol to Birmingham, as Virgin Cross Country always allocates seats to people who book on-line.

    The fact that it says "No seat" on your ticket simply means that a seat is not reservable so you take a chance and sit where or if you can.

  9. You have not got a reserved seat. However, many TOC's allow you to go to your departure station and book a reservation up to 2hrs (or 1600 previous day for early tickets) before departure time

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