
Do I Have Lazy Eye?

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I woke up this morning and my right eye suddenly was all weird.. Like, i felt it a lot squintier than the left, and it feels like my right eyelid is always pulling down, like closing over the eyeball, and when I try and open my eye as wide as it goes, its still much squintier than the left eye.





  1. That's just because you just woke up. It could be because you didn't get enough sleep or your head should have been more elevated during the night. It's almost the equivalent to baggy eyes in the morning, except it's with your eyelid.

    Try puting ice on it for a'll get red at first but then it should get better.

  2. i dont think thats what lazy eye is

    lazy eye is when your pupil goes off in a different direction that your other one you can google an image of it

    maybe your eye is just smaller than the other one or it could be inflamed if doesnt go away soon go to a doctor

  3. look in a miror and sometimes peoples eyes to that when they wake up yea so give it time then check it out

  4. you just noticed it? lazy eye is something you're born with and it doesnt just come overnight i dont think. Just close your eyes, and see if its any better 2moro. if its not, go to the doctor.

    Help me pleasee? ahhhh, thankx a bunch have a good summer! ~S

  5. lol, thats probably because you wer tired... or you have a non cemetrical face hahah.. i have a lazy eye, and it is not smaller then the other one. infact, i cant even tell when it wanders off.

    its not as bad anymore, so eve if it is a lazy eye, it will get better

  6. STROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. no, you dont get lazy eye over night.  it is something that developes over a period.  if it keeps doing that, go see the doctor?  I would assume it is just because you woke up though.

  8. Lazy eye isn't just something you develop overnight.

    You probably just have something in your eye, or allergies, or maybe an infection.  Try some eye drops, some natural ones, not visine.

  9. i don't think it can just form over-night

  10. No, you don't. Lazy eye usually only happens in small children. You might be experiencing Bell's Palsy, you should make an appointment for today with your family doctor.

  11. ive had that its not lazy u might have hit it or gotten a bug in ur eye or ur tired as h**l dont worry about it it should be fine in 2 days

  12. No
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