
Do I Have a right to be mad?

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My husband considers "spending time" with our daughter holding her while he plays his xbox or is on the computer, or watching ESPN or some other sports. Our daughter is only 17 months old and all the does is watch tv or hold her while he does one of the above things I listed. I don't like her watching tv because of the fast movements and the rap, the noise, etc. And we keep arguing about how he should spend time with her. i always say that he should read to her and play with toys with her, etc. Not just "hold" her while he does something else. He only works a few hours a day and the rest of the time he is with his buddies. Seriously, he comes at 5 or 6 pm and when he is off work and with his friends i like have to beg him to come home. But because of a medical problem he has he gets paid disability. So do I have a right to be mad that that is the kind of spending time with her?




  1. That is not quality time with his daughter. He may be physically close but his mind is far away.

    Reading to her would definitely be a good, bonding experience. They could watch kid's shows together. She needs to watch educational shows, like the ones on PBS.  I often watch youtube with my 3 year old grandson. There are kid suitable videos on there. He loves "the alligator under my bed", and asks to watch it often. I'll bet your daughter would like it too.

    You might want to remind your husband that his daughter will grow up fast and he will miss out on these opportunities to hold her and bond with her while she's little.  

  2. Your daughter is happy just to be with her daddy.

  3. I would be mad. It seems like he's not living up to the responsibility of having a child and family.  He needs to stop spending so much time with his buddies (not all) and spend more time with you and your child.  And not with the game system or TV either.

  4. yeah you have a right to be mad

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