
Do I Have to call my landlord before calling an exterminator?

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I rent a townhome from a private owner, and my roommates are not clean people. A couple weeks ago we saw a couple roaches (due to the laziest one leaving dishes in the sink for DAYS.) So we clean the kitchen, and we all got better about not leaving dishes in the sink overnight. Don't see any roaches until last night, I see two, one in the hall stairs and one in the kitchen.

We would like to call the exterminator, more on a procautionary move. Do I need to call my landlord to get permission before this? I know it is our bad living habits causing roommates leave a lot of clutter and don't care to pick up after themselves (something I can't stand...leave the common areas clean, people!)

I'd just be really embarassed if I had to call him and have him see my roommates rooms.




  1. Yes, you should notify him first.  But you also need to have a come-to-Jesus discussion with your roommates or the problem won't go away.

  2. If the problem was not your fault then he would have to be notified because he would have to pay for it but since the problem is not his fault you can call one and pay for it.I would think about moving  out and finding better room mates.

  3. Yes you do. Take it from me, from past experience.  Your landlord also should be responsible for paying for it too,He/she owns the building not you.Get those filthy roomates to clean up their act, or I'd ask them to leave.

  4. Its not your problem that your roomates are dirty, they are adults and are responsible to keep their living areas clean too. And you do have to call your landlord before you call an exterminator  as well as when you paint, change flooring, etc. hope this helps!  

  5. yes you do

  6. no you don't if all they are going to do is spray.If any phyical damage is done to the property then you would.

  7. I would call you landlord, because sometimes in the lease you sign, the landlord takes on that responsibility.....which means he may pay for it, and you won't have to!

    Also, I would make sure your lazy roommate learns how to clean up after him self!  

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