
Do I Look Like Brenda Song??

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Ever Since Middle School People Say I look Like Her. But I Don't See Any Resemblance! Is It Because I'm Asian And She Is??




  1. KiNd Of  . . . . . .   :P

  2. No not really maybe 14% cuz your asian.

  3. I can see Brenda Song in you but you definitely dont look identical however you look more like her in the second pic!!!  

  4. ummm.. not really..

  5. in your mouth and nose and eyes you do. but your faces are shaped differently

  6. eh, not really. but i love your hair,.

  7. i dont see a huge resemblence.... but your way pretty!

  8. Yeah.  The only resemblance I see is that you are asian and so is she, and you both look the same age.  You have almost the same bone structure as her, also, but yours is more dramatic.

  9. i can totaly see a resemlance you look just like her

  10. well maybe a little but not really. i think yeah maybe cause youre asian.

  11. just your hair but the 2nd pic kinda look like her.  

  12. KINDA. not reeeally tho.

    it is prolly just cuz your asian lol and she is.

    youre really pretty though!

  13. you dont look like her, but when i look at you for a while i see some sort of resemblance:)

  14. in a way u kinda resemble her.

    not really noticable i wouldnt notice it if i wasnt looking for it.

  15. I don't see the resemblence...but you are pretty nonetheless.

  16. lol you look better then Brenda song...and no not alike. I think people say that because thats the only asian star they know of really. Like one lady said I look like Oprah....I smiled....because she was old and calling a 21 year old female who doesn't look close to Oprah is not something to brag about! Oddly when I was a little fater I got that and now some say I look better then Tyra, but to me you look awesome!

  17. Wow. There is definitely a resemblance based on just those pics... and not just because you are both Asian. (I'm Asian too... I can see the difference) But regardless of whether or not you look like her, you are veryy pretty.

  18. I think people are stereotyping that all Asians look the same.  Some people find it very offensive.

  19. a little bit

  20. You kinda do, but the shape of your face makes you guys look different.  

  21. well you do have some resembelence to her for sure.

  22. kinda sorta

  23. the eyes and hair a little bit yes  

  24. not really actually you look nothing alike like no resemblse at all

  25. I think in the 2nd picture there is a slight resemblence.

    A lot of non-asian people at my school cant tell the difference between some asians because they look alike.

  26. not really.

  27. you do look like her. not just because you're asian. because of your features.

  28. I can see it in the eyes a bit.

    So yes it would be due to the Asian in you both :]

  29. you don't look like her.

    theyre prob just saying it because you're both asian.

  30. i dont see any resembalance

  31. not rly.

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