
Do I Need A HDTV To Get A Blu-Ray Player?

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Do you need a HDTV to get a Blu-Ray DVD player or i can have the TV i have now




  1. You can attach a Blu-ray player to any TV .... BUT you won't see any advantage unless you have an HDTV (and preferably a 1080p model and a GOOD surround sound system with HDMI to take advantage of the improved sound).

    But ask yourself why you are interested in Blu-ray.

    It is a premium priced niche alternative to DVD ... not a replacement.  

    Many knowledgeable consumers -- even those who have HDTVs -- are not buying into Blu-ray because they have decided Blu-ray provides insufficient benefit vs upconverted DVDs  (at least while Blu-ray players are $300 minimum and disks are averaging $11 more than DVD).

    Maybe in another year when prices (may) have come down the more reasonable premium price may be worthwhile (Blu-ray will always be more expensive than DVD, if for no other reason than players are small computers and disks are more expensive to master and produce), but for now my advice is to do more reading, get a demo on a HDTV similar to what you might upgrade to and IF you consider the higher prices of Blu-ray (relative to DVD) to be justified buy then. In the meantime consider an HDTV an essential (and a surround sound system a highly desirable) first step.

  2. You do not need an HDTV to get a blue-ray player... you can buy a blue-ray player whenever you want.  But honestly there is absolutely no reason to get a blue-ray player unless you have a HD Television.  No offence but your question shows you lack even basic HD knowledge, as a result i would recommend you save your money and do more research into the HD world before investing in anything.

  3. you don't need hdtv to get the blu-ray player. but if the tv you have now is not capable of receiving at least 1080i on a component or hdmi connection, then you will not be able to take advantage of the picture quality that it can offer since you have to downgrade the signal that the player is sending.

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