
Do I Need A Vhf radio , or any form of radio if I was fishing from a bic 252 dinghy (pic)?

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radio for emergency purposes.





  1. You don't need a VHF, but a hand held unit could be a real comfort and enable you check weather broadcast, listen in on others who may have found that hot fishing spot or call for help if needed..  NO license is required for VHF.

  2. no

  3. I think its more a question of WHERE you are fishing.

    In the pond as the park, then no

    In the channel, then it will be a worth while addition

  4. Need. Maybe not, but why not get one.

    Handhelds are cheap, and very handy.

    Even in the inland waters I love using mine. Talking between boats makes life much easier. And imagine eavesdropping on all those fisherman and learning the hot spots.

    Weather radio is invaluable. Now you can get this information elsewhere, but I have found the weather channels on VHF the most accurate and up to date.

    Have fun.

  5. You need a licence for a VHF radio and have to take a test.

    Nice dingy.

  6. Be careful with that dink in the ocean. There are a lot of fish out there that are much bigger than it is. Stay in close to shore, too.

    I once rescued two guys in a john boat that were being towed out to sea from inside the harbor at Charleston, SC by a shark they had hooked and their motor failed. They did not have a knife on board to cut the line. Shark was a 15' hammer head, and the boat was a 14' john boat.

    Taking a radio with you would be a prudent thing to do. Murphy's Law does apply HEAVILY at sea.

    Good luck.



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