
Do I Need A Voltage Converter For US To Canada Travel?

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I'm traveling from the US to Canada soon. Will my electronics function properly in Canada as-is or will I need some sort of power/voltage converter?




  1. No you don't need a converter.  Canada and the US use the same system.

  2. You do not need a converter.

  3. May be a problem in our igloos and   tee pees  LOL   We are same as you

  4. Nope, everything is the same so you won't need to change anything.

    for future reference: in europe you would need one because they have different plugs.

  5. Sorry for being insulting but where have you been living???????  The entrie North American power and telephone grids are interlinked with the possible exception of some remote areas in the far north and the south west and a couple or three islands.  Your cell phone will work in most areas, you can dial home just by dialing 1 and the areacode and your number.  The radio & TV systems are the same.  Really the only difference between Canada and America besides medical care and the french is that you have some products that we don't have and we have some that you don't have.  Otherwise it is just the same!!!!!!  

    Again SORRY but it REALLY frosts me, I hope I haven't put you off visiting I know it is an honest question and that you needed to know., but it justs burns me up

    Have a good trip and safe home.

  6. Nope, it's the same. Hope this helps and enjoy Canada!

  7. No - everything's the same - electricity, DVDs, CDs, computers, absolutely everything (except the politics and units of measure).

    Gas is sold by the litre (3.78 to the U.S. gallon),  groceries by the kilogram (but many stores still use pounds/ounces) and litre, etc.  Politically, Conservatives are comparable to Republicans and Liberals to Democrats (we won't even get into the New Democrats, Parti Quebecois and the rest).

    Enjoy your visit.

  8. UGH

    Well we ain't got no 'lectricity up here in Canada, whatchoo talkin' bout??

    Don't forget your snowshoes though as we all live in Igloo's. Haven't you heard that?

    SORRY for sarcasm but ahhh man, what do they teach you in the US about Canada, I mean - we share a frikkin border!!!

  9. No. You don't need a converter. All your electronics will operate here as they do in the US.

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