
Do I Need New Riding Gear (PHOTOS)?

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Okay. Here are some more pics that I didn't put up earlier, and I took a couple of other pics to show you that no, this isn't a trick question ;)




  1. Very nice. i guess if i would replace anything it would be the winter jodhpurs.

  2. it all looks pretty good.

    just make sure that it still fits. especially the jods and boots.

  3. It all looks fine and in good condition.

    lovely boots ( you should see mine ;-( !! )

  4. No. Everything looks to be varying levels of new.

  5. Are you trying to just show off the stuff you have or what?  Your stuff looks like it has never been used!! If I had time I would post the pictures of my gear that has been used everyday for 3 years and then you would see what used gear looks like.  Just be glad you have such nice NEW looking stuff and go use it and put some wear on it instead of just talking about it.

  6. Everything looks good to me. If something wouldn't fit for some reason then I would replace it.

  7. What are those striped things?  

    And, why would you think you need to start new after not riding for a month?  I didn't think saddles...a decent quality one anyhow would be disposable....they actually improve with age if taken proper care of..and leather.  Your looks like it has just been on doesn't even look like leather.

    I don't care for the jods..I prefer the more classic style..not pull ons.  I like tucked in shirts with belts.

  8. I think it all looks great!!! Your so lucky! My saddle is 6 years old, and isn't even real leather, my boots aren't even real riding boots, my saddle blanket is super hairy on the bottom and really getting old, so you should feel very grateful that you have all that stuff :)

  9. All the tack and everything looks great. If something doesn't fit though, like the jodphurs or boots, I'd buy new ones. But if they do fit, looks like you're ready to ride!

  10. Nah it all looks pretty good to me. Your stuff looks really new, your so lucky. My saddle is only synthetic and my helmet is covered in stickers from when I was in year six (but that;s my fault) my paddock boots and riding boots are the same and they are falling apart and my jods are all handme-downs from my sister except 2 pairs which were birthday and christmas presents but they are all about three years old. Your stuff is good, so go out and have some fun making it dirty.

  11. No they look brand new

  12. no i think all i might consider doing is shining up your boots and washing you jodhpurs,chaps, and saddle pad and everything will be as good as new!

    Have fun and good luck!!

  13. Every thing looks great, maybe just polish your boots, and wash everything you can wash, it'll look great.

  14. Everything seems to be in good condition. Make sure the helmet meets safety standards. Check everything for tears or holes that the photos don't show. As long as everything fits OK and doesn't rub or pinch your horse, then it should be fine. Congrats on being back in the saddle! = )

  15. is this a trick question everything looks new to me exept for the half chaps (:

  16. everything looks pretty goodd...wish ii could keep half of my stuff as clean and in that good condition!!! lol :)

  17. it all looks brand new 2 me. just b lucky u hav all this stuf!!! !my boots rnt even real leather OR real RIDING BOOTS 4 that mattr they were on clearance. and i only hav 3 pairs of jods total they all came from ebay. dont take ur stuf 4 granted

  18. it all looks like it's in great condition... as long as it fits you and the inside of your saddle (like the billet straps) isnt falling apart and everything's comfortable for the horse you ride... i dont see why you'd need new gear...

    nice pants by the way...

    :) hope you have fun!

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