
Do I Need To See The Doctor About My Strange Periods?

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While for this summer, `I`ve been having periods like..ever 4 started out when i was with my boyfriend one night and well...we started kissing and was ready to go at it.. ( im still a virgin though) and i was scared to do just.. u know..fingered it..for a started hurting a bit but stopped..Now after that...i wake up the next day and im on my period. and after that week....later on into 4 weeks later or on it again...My sister asked me if i was having s*x and i said no..and the next morning they made a doctor appointment for me to see if i`ve been having s*x..but i convince them to believe i didnt go..and they started to add all the weeks and the days of me being on my period for the summer and they were saying that i should`nt be on my period like this...Soo..Im freaking Out cause i didnt tell my mother yet..But my sister and aunt t who`s 27 and 29 have been helping me out on it..since there still young but...I JUST WANNA KNO..IF I SHOULD SEE A DOCTOR ABOUT THIS OR IS THIS NORMAL TO GIRLS?/??




  1. I used to have periods that lasted months, then I wouldn't have any periods for months at a time. It was really messed. I went to see my doctor and they put me on the birth control pill to fix the cycle, and it worked. so go talk to your doctor about it for sure.

  2. Uh.. every four weeks is exactly normal. What's the problem?

  3. if you'ree bleeding for 4 weeks then you definitely should see a doctor. but if you are getting your period every 4 weeks then that is normal. your menstrual cycle should begin every 21-40 days

  4. First of all, no doctor can tell whether you're a virgin or not.

    Secondly, your period sounds pretty normal, and regular. Everyone's cycle is different.

    Edit: sorry, I misunderstood I think. You should see a doctor if you've been bleeding for four weeks.

  5. See a doctor.  It's not normal to be bleeding like that for so long.  Something is wrong that needs to be checked and fixed.

  6. your bleeding for 4 weeks????? umm go see a doctor!!!

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