
Do I act like an Aries?

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I'm very stubborn, I always want my own way, I want what I can't have, I spend waaaayy too much money, I'm really moody - it's like I have 2 personalities! Well no, but I did get called a 'schizophrenic farm animal' by a friend last week, and I have no idea what that means. I'm a daredevil, I have serious jealousy issues, I'm hot headed, I looovveee to fight [:

Like, verbal fights between friends, all that school drama. I love it.

I have no idea what else!

Umm yeah, also, I get told a LOT that I'm vain, stuck up, conceited, self absorbed, ect.

But I'm not, I swear (:

Maybe a little bit.. sometimes.

I get mad very easily.

I'm extremely slack & lazy, and I lack motovation.

I never finish what I get started. If I don't win something or get top marks at something, I'll give up on it & not care.

I'm really competive, ladedadaaa. I don't know what else.

I've been told before I don't act like an Aries, but I seriously have no idea.




  1. yeh your very domineering and your a leader.

  2. Looks like you have many characteristics of Aries, but a person does not reflect just the solar sign. You have to take in consideration your whole natal chart. For instance, your ascendant, your moon and a lots more.

    But people with Aries as solar sign are very impulsive, energetic, agressive and moody. They have energy to start things easily, but they have difficulties to conclude them, they can give impulse to things. Aries is ruled by the planet mars, the red one, the planet of war, fights and blood.

    So don't worry about your vigorous way of being, it is all consequences of a sun in Aries.

  3. Perhaps are some evil characteristics from Aries, but in particular I admire some others characteristics like are smart, decided and when they have a goal they have it in their hand, they are loyals and you can trust in them because are honest and are when you need something, you can find comprehension for me are the best friends.

  4. Well sorta.I guess you have some Gemini,Pisces,Leo,Taurus and Scorpio in your chart.

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