
Do I deserve these rewards for my hard work?

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Do I deserve to have these rewards for my hard work at the department store I work at? I've been at my job for a very long time and I am a hard worker.

A big house in the city and a vacation house out in the country?

A nice new car

Lots of nice clothes

Lots of nice furniture

Lots of nice stereo equipment

Go on plenty of nice vacations

Attend at plenty of rock concerts

Have a jacuzzi in my bathroom

Have lots of nice jewelry

Eat lots of good food

Go to many sporting events




  1. if you believe you've worked hard for them, sure!

    if you're related to a kennedy, then most likely, no!

    i believe if you work hard for something, you deserve it.

    look  in the mirror, did you earn it?

  2. What is your contribution that merits this long list of benefits, which probably even your bosses right at the top don't get? Look at things from the department store point of view before you start claiming.

  3. You ONLY 'deserve' what you can get ... the world does NOT owe you a living and companies (in general) pay the minimum necessary to get the maximum work out of you ..

    If you are happy with what you have and are not interested in 'climbing the ladder', then forget the list of physical benefits you posted above and focus on friends, neighbors & family.

    If you want that list of stuff, then you need to become a Director (at least) ... if you are already a Manager (and under 35) you still have time ..

    Have you noticed how many of the people above you (Senior Managers, Directors etc) seem to know a  lot less than you do, and only work half as hard ???

    This is because they know how to play the 'system' .. they have invested time & effort in 'smoozing up' to the 'right' people (and getting noticed by their boss etc) and have seized every opportunity to push themselves forward and ASK for higher wages / promotion .. and when they didn't get it at one Company they moved onto the next ..

    Look around you - how many of your colleagues have been promoted to Managers and how many of the Managers have been recruited from outside the Company ?? .. if there are more Managers coming in from outside, this is a company you DON'T want to work for (start putting feelers outside the co. to ex-colleagues / ex-workmates to find your next promotion).. if most Managers are promoted internally, now is the time to start pushing yourself forward within the company ..

  4. their is a sanskrit saying in this....karmanyevasikaraste ma faletu kada chane  ......meaning  do ur karma without asking for rewards......means do the hard work rewards will  come without u asking

  5. Everyone who works hard would like these things. IHowever, these things are often just wishes and dreams. Some of them are attainable and some are not. I just don't understand why you would ask this question? Most people would want these things. I don't really know you so I don't know if I could say that you should be awarded with ALL of these things. Remember, most of the people that have all these things are rich!

  6. As long as you've earned the money honestly, through hard work and dedication, I don't see why not.

    (embezzeling money is wrong)

  7. The majority of the population would all like those things, but it is just not reasonable.  I'm sure you do work hard at your job and I applaud you for doing so.  I however believe that get would you deserve (is not always true and definitely not fair, but it's the way I see it).  I am a strong believer in the start up a business and get rich.  If you feel like you're in a rut and would like better things, then take the first big step and quit.  I know it sounds scary, but if you do that then you can start up something better.  Start watching the Big Idea with Donny Deutsch.  Hope you get the things you want.

  8. umm no!!

  9. cocky person no

  10. Depends on what you define as hard work.

  11. well you said it yourself ,you've been working hard and working long so i guess you deserve that all.hard work will have a good result it may not be now but it will be later ,I'm sure.its like reward.those who work hard always end up happy and lucky.and your lucky and will be happy.

  12. You deserve the pay check they give you on pay day for doing your job. If your work is exemplary, you deserve a pay raise and/or promotion. I am always amazed at people who want more for doing what is expected of them.

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