
Do I eat too much? Why am I always hungry?

by  |  earlier

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I am 11 years old and 5"2, going into 7th grade and turning 12 on november 17th.

This morning I ate 2 peices of toast with peanut butter and jelly on each of them, with some grapes and a glass of milk.

For lunch, I ate a BLT salad from wendys. (But I didnt finish it)

For dinner, I at a lean quizene pizza.

And in between that, I at a "Newton crisp", a "viatop" and a kudo bar.

And all I drank today, besides the milk, was water and diet green tea.

Is that a lot ? and I'm still hungry! Why am i always hungry ?




  1. Pssshhh please, that's nothing.

    I've killed an entire 18inch pizza on my own, and that was just one of three meals. I'm only 145 pounds.

  2. I have the same problem.  I take hoodia to help curb my appetite and it helps me not to cheat.  Of course I do this in addition to cutting my calories and exercising (there's no such thing as a magic weightloss pill).  But it might be something you might consider.  Best of luck to you!

  3. yahh ik ill eat heka nd still b hungry...its normal...just dnt eat until a few hrs

  4. You're young don't worry about it,

    Growing kids needs more food and stuff for energy

    You have a high metabolism probably

  5. that is not alot.

    it might seem like a lot of food but they are all low calorie foods. try some more calorie dense foods. you should be eating atleast 2,000 calories a day at your age!

  6. No it's not a lot. You're probably eating a lot because your body is growing and developing.

  7. this happens to me too. often when im bored and i cant really control it. im hungry right now!  but this is pretty weird.. i eat alot and i dont gain weight. like i can eat cupcakes the whole d**n day and i wont gain a pound. so it doesnt really bother me when i want to eat whatever at random times

  8. talk to your parents about it.

  9. No, that is not a lot! You might also still be hungry because when you drink green tea, it boosts  your metabolism so you might get hungrier  

  10. Doesn't sound like a lot to me. Also, how much water did you drink? Many times when we're thirsty, our body feels like it is hungry. Also, through certain times in our lives, we need to eat more to fuel growth, mental and physical exertion, etc.

  11. That actually sounds like a very healthy day of eating to me!

    My 13yr old eats breakfast @home and @ school, snacks and then eats lunch, then another snack.  When she gets home she eats a full meal asap.  Then at supper she eats grown man portions of everything and has seconds.  Then she gets up around 10 or 11 and eats again claiming she's starving.  She's not fat, but is very thick for her age.  I'm trying to tell her w/out hurting her feelings she's gonna be a pile of blubber one day the way she eats!  I think you're doing great!  

  12. Ha.You Sound Like Me lol. I'm 13 & I'm Just Like You. I Went To The Doctor For It. He Said: That Your Just Growing & Your Needing More Water. The More You Eat. Means That Your Body Is Needing More Water. If You Havent Drunken Any. All I Drink Is Water. And I Stopped Eating So Much. The Only Thing I Dislike about is that i have to pee every single min. lol hope i helped & my doc. lol byee  

  13. Well it's normal to be hungry because most girls at your age eat alot because of puberty. If your not chubby it means you have a high matabilism

  14. you are growing

  15. That is not a lot, calories wise, but it's certainly enough. Try drinking more water. It will give you a full feeling.

  16. I think you should go get it checked out by a doctor if he says nothings wrong then go to a diet center like Form 3.

  17. Try snacking on raw vegetables and fruit three to five times a day. Eat less carbs; they make you more hungry.

  18. You are hungry because you are still growing and need food! No, you did not eat too much

  19. lmao of course its not a lot! if your still hungry, its not a lot! your just growing is all. your have to gain weight in order to mature lols eating is good :D always remember that

  20. i really dont think that is too much. You are still growing and when i was that age many of the kids in my class were heavier but they grow out of it. It also depends how active you are

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