
Do I exist?

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Do any of us exist? Can we know for sure either way?




  1. I drink beer, therefore I am

  2. You have awareness so you must exist. But then you would have to define existence first. If you didn't exist then where did the question come from that i am now answering. Maybe you don't exist and i am just answering stupid questions by non existent people. Maybe i am just a blob of goo in a jar with awareness, creating my own reality within my own awareness.

  3. I pinched myself to be sure , I'm here

  4. I think, therefore I am.

  5. As a mortal yes.

    As a child of God in potential only for now.

  6. To the best of my knowledge, no. No you don't.

  7. I am conscious, therfore i exsist.

  8. Merely looking at your question allows me to know that there is a person with a conscience, a morality, a knowledge, a mind, that lead to this thought.  

    So you cannot be non-existent because you exist to me at this very moment.

  9. I find that people who think too much will never know if they for me, I am, therefore I am.

  10. We were existed before we were born. Before our bodies were created by God, our souls lived in heaven, all of us.

  11. ...only if YOU think so!!!

    ...I do, thank you...

    ...LOOK IN THE MIRROR...if you see someone looking back

    at YOU...YES...if're a vampire...

  12. the only for sure thing is Descartes'

    "I think, therefore I am"

    here is the reasoning.

    Lets assume that there is a little "demon" or something that is manipulating my mind and MAKING me perceive all this reality.

    How am i to know that this body is mine? What if i am being TRICKED into thinking its mine? what if i have no body at all?

    There is no way to know these things.

    HOWEVER. If the demon is tricking me, if i am being misled about all of reality, then I myself MUST exist. I must be real for how could I be deceived if I am not me? How can I experience  false reality if there is no real-reality to me at all?

    i must have a mind.

    From there, i have no idea wat's next :] Technically, you're stuck never knowing whether or not anything else is real, so u might as well pretend it is.

    if you choose to believe that there are no other minds, only your own mind, then you're a solipsist.

  13. Want me to kick you hard between you leg so you can be completely sure that we both exist?

  14. renee des cartes had this same question in the 16th century this question is the basis for all of basic philosophy. It is not unusual for every human with more than 2 brain cells to question their own existence.

                                             to further answer you question i must first ask you a few questions, do you percieve, to the best of your knowledge do others percieve, do you know what others are thinking, do others know what your thinking. If these questions were answered to the effect that you r not psychic and others are not psychic, also that you notice things and that others notice things, than most likely you exist. In other words i think therefore i am

  15. Alas, the everlasting question of life that no one will ever be able to answer.

  16. Your own existence is the only thing you can be sure of....I think.

  17. alas, the question which stops people in their tracts.this is one question which only God can explain, and there is an answer to all questions. God knew all of us before we were in our mothers. He knew us before we were born, and took care of us then, as well as now. Now, why would you put so much care into something that didn't exist? Therefore, we exist.

  18. Do you see, feel, love, want, desire, lust, need? Are you hungry, tired, sad, happy, awake, joyful, disheartened? Can you taste and breathe? All of these factors make up the existence of a living creature. You exist as much as I do and I am alive and well.

  19. of course we exist. if we didn't, we wouldn't be here on earth, LIVING OUR LIVES. so the answer is yes, you do exist!

  20. Here's a test! Pinch yourself real hard and if it hurts then you exist because if you didn't exist pain wouldn't exist either so you wouldn't be able to feel it.

  21. What do you mean?

  22. Are you relevant? Does philosophy matter?
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