
Do I find my amazon bird a new home or keep him when he doesn't like to be around me?

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My amazon really despises me lol. He absolutely adores my 8 yr. old daughter, but now that she sees him be so mean to me she has become scared of him. I'm worried that he is unhappy tho I don't want to give him up to someone who won't love him. I bought him 6 months ago at a rescue place and he is 9 yrs. old. What are your thoughts?




  1. Read up on the specific Amazon that you have adopted, find out about their behaviors and likes and dislikes, more likely than not if he came from a rescue he may have come with some emotional baggage from a previous owner.

    If the previous owner was an adult he may have a fear of all adults and not of children, some birds pick their person they are attracted to and want to relate to that person only.

    You have to really work at gaining his trust, and it may take a lot longer than six months, but persistance, kindness, and treats may help a good bit, praise him just as you would your child or another pet you are training, gain his trust by being near and talking softly to him, don't expect anything from him and be happy and pleased when you make a small gain let him know give him a treat, make sure to find his favorite food and use as the treat.

    When you can observe him and see if he has fears of anything like loud voices, vacumn cleaners, sweeping, dusting, movements of hands, and items you may be holding if he shows fear of anything like that do all you can to assure him he is safe, or keep the items away from him.

    If you don't want to give him up be prepared to give him lots of time and attention to make any significant gains in his trust of you and his behavior with you.

    He may have had an affection for another bird at the bird rescue place and now he has been seperated from that bird, he needs time, and needs to see that he is in a safe happy home.  He may never change so teach your daughter as well to enjoy him and how to handle him safely with you at a distance supervising him and her together.  Take it in small doses nothing to big and demanding all at once.

    My amazon hates me but he is happy with the presence of his other feathered friends in the room and he tolerates others but isn't really wanting to be with a human for companionship but we love him anyway and accept him the way he is.

  2. DONT then he would Grieve to death Keep him and just keep on workin

  3. Just like any animal if you're the one that feeds him and gives him attention he will eventually get used to you and learn that he has to rely on you.  Try and interact with him when you bring the food.  Talk softly and maybe play with him with a mirror so he thinks there's another bird in your life  :)  Just like a man...way to his heart is through the stomach. Be patient and good luck.

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