
Do I fit the mold of a Quarterback?

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I'm a sophemore in high school and I'm 6'2 157 lbs. Im lean and have a good, accurate arm. Should I gain some weight?




  1. No. You seem like a good size to me. Good luck!  

  2. If you do it should be muscle.

  3. Hi Canes,

    Congrats on the lean body and quarterback skills. Dont so much worry about your weight now(wait till pre-freshmen year at college). Right now you should focus on weight training and getting the proper nutrition and developing your skills. You have so much growth hormone(because your young) in you right now that your body will pack on muscle and weight if you weight train and eat well balanced meals.  

  4. If you want, but remember you could also be a scrambling quarterback. Just remember to lift weights and eat often so you don't lose weight.

  5. You will gain the weight you need through age.

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