
Do I get US citizenship if my two kids are American citizens?

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My second child will be born in April in outside of the States but will still be eligible for US citizenship, I'll just have to present some documents at the embassy here, so both of my kids will be American citizens!!! My American green card expired long ago but now that I will have two children who are both US citizens will that affect me in any way? I mean will I get citizenship or...what happens??




  1. Negative Ghost Rider.

  2. No, you will not get citizenship because of your one child.  Your other child will be born out of the U. S. of A. and will not be considered a citizen.

  3. emperor and soda are right.  but when you say your green card expired long ago, how long ago and how long have you been out of the u.s. if more than a year then you may be in danger of losing your green card status, just because your card expired does not mean your status expired, but in your case it seems that you have abandoned your status.

  4. NO

    There are 960 million Americans, of those only 280 million are United Statesian citizens (305 million people in the US, but about 25 million are resident aliens). Among all the Americans, only those Americans that are parents of United Statesian citizens get US citizenship.

    Now, if you have two children that are United Statesian citizens, yes you can have them petition you to become a US resident. Then, after about five years of being a resident you can apply for United Statesian citizenship.

  5. You do not automatically get US citizenship simply because your children are US citizens.

    Additionally, unless the other parent is a US citizen and meets other requirements about residency, your expected child will not be a citizen either.

  6. No, the fact that your kids are or will be US citizens does not mean you can be a US citizen. You have to be eligible of your own right.

    I also question the validity of your statement that your kids will be US citizens even though they won't be born in the US. That could only be if one of their parents -- meaning your partner, not you -- is a US citizen. If that is the case, never mind me, but that still does not help you become a US citizen.

    In order to apply for US citizenship, you typically have to be a permanent resident -- or green card holder -- and live in the US for 5 years (or 3 if married to a US citizen). There are other circumstances but those two are by far the most common.

  7. How will your child  born outside of states be a citizen? You will not be a citizen .And your children if they are citizens cannot apply for you until they are adults.

  8. Is the other parent a US citizen? If not, then the child will not be a US citizen. It's that simple. If you are married to a citizen, then the naturalization process becomes easier, but is not a given.

  9. See this web site: www, The best of luck.

  10. NO, you still need go through the naturalization process to become a US citizen.

    Green Card expired long ago!!!!

    How long have you been outside the U.S.?

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