
Do I get an underwater room for adopting a bottlenose dolphin on Webkinz?

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I know that getting a manatee or fantail goldfish gets you an underwater room but when I was looking through the Webkinz catalog today, I saw a bottlenose dolphin (I'm assuming this is new) and I wanted to know if you get an underwater room with it or not...thanks!




  1. yes you do

  2. It is a september release webkinz. You get an underwater room with it.  

  3. Well, you will get a room with it only if it is one of your first 10 Webkinz—and it will be an underwater room, yes. But you will also have the option to buy your own underwater room; it will always be an available option for you as long as you have one of these aquatic pets.

  4. I think acording to most ..... YES !!!

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