
Do I get enough exersise?

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I am homeschooled so I dont have school gym to exersise anymore.

So as a form of compensation my mom lets me use her company's exersise room and I jog a 1/2 mile every weekend once a week. Do you think that is enough or should I be getting more, I just turned 15 years old a few weeks ago




  1. No that's really not enough, but unless you're overweight you're too young to worry about that. Just play some sports with your friends or something. As you get older you should try to get about 30 minutes of exercise per day. Running half a mile is probably no more than 5 minutes per week.

  2. you get more than me...

    im 13 years old but i get NONE. whatsoever. none. at all. cuz i don't play sports and i don't work out.

    i get up, go to school, come home, play computer, go tobed.

    and im 90 lbs :)

  3. That doesn't sound like enough.  A half mile once per week - that's less than 5 minutes.  Barely worth getting changed for.  That's less than one lap around a mall.

    And besides, you should probably be out participating in some type of sport.  I never set foot on a treadmill until after 30.  Too busy playing hockey, basket/base/foot-ball, or whatever else was going on.  

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