
Do I get more distance sginifcantly with S-flex?

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I'm using X flex shaft. Is it true that you gain distance significantly with more flexible shaft? If so, by how much?

My current spec:

My height, weight: 5'6, 146lbs.

Physical: muscular, short legs and arms

Driver Model: Nike Sumo 4950

Loft: 9.5

Shaft: Aldila VS Proto 65 X flex

Swing Speed: 105mph ~ 110mph (measured)

Distance: 260~270yd carry + 10~20yd roll

Ball Flight: High Draw

Misses: to the left

Ball Position: even to my left heel

Tee height: 2.75 inch

(I never pop up my drive with this tee height since I hit a ball on upswing.)

I would appreciate your honest opinion.





  1. Miles,

    Is that you.  It sure sounds like you! LOL

  2. No.  Your shaft should compliment your swing speed.  If you have a slower swing, then you want a flexible shaft to help compensate for you swing speed.  That is why women's and senior clubs have more flex.  You will notice that most pros are using steel shaft now because their distance is more consistant and the swing hard enough to where the flex does not help them much.

  3. Everyone always says this but it is a good idea.  Please see a club fitter or test the shaft before buying.  You may or may not gain distance but maybe gain control.  A launch monitor or a club fitter will help you determine the best fit.

  4. You are quoting an awful lot of statistics which are intended to impress who? You? Does a more flexible shaft lead to more distance ? Would you like to ask that question of Ian Baker Finch? After winning the British Open he felt that he was not getting enough distance  so he went into the swing altering venue. Needless to say, he never competed successfully again. Fortunately, he is a great announcer.

  5. Honestly you will get more distance with a stiff shaft, however you will lose distance.  This is theoretical and not always true.  The shaft you have now, the proto adila, actually plays as a soft X anyway, trust me i know.  You stats are just stats, All I need to now is your swing speed and your misses.  

    So here are some recommendations if you really wanna switch shafts.

    1) I have hit a Sumo and its older brother the Ignite before with three different shafts in them, and each time the absolute best shaft for those clubs is a Mitsubishi Diamana White Board Stiff 83g.  It will bring down your ball flight a little, but it should also give you the same side spin rates.  Now this is an expensive shaft, so if money is an issue, you might try a UST V2 Stiff 77g.  Both of these shafts are "hard" stiffs, so you wont lose too much accuracy, but you will gain about 10 yards.  

    Seriously, spend the money to get the Diamana, it is the best shaft for any nike driver, and not because tiger plays it, because it just is.  Since you are a numbers kinda player, check out the specs on the Mitsu website.  You wont regret this shaft.

  6. With your swing speed a stiff flexx shaft seems right.

    YOu need to have your launch angle measured to find out what loft and shaft torque you need. If you get those optimized you will gain maximum distance.

  7. I would guess that more flexibility with your swing speed is a bad idea. But as was said, the only way to know for sure is to get it properly evaluated.

  8. Wow.... that's pretty specific!!!!  

    Shaft flex is usually based on swing speed.  Judging by your stats, it sounds like you should be in an X-Flex shaft.   You might actually lose control and distance if you went with a more flexible shaft, especially if you went to an R-flex.  Not as much so with S-flex, but with your clubhead speed, I'm willing to bet you would still not be as effective.

    Are you lookin at going pro?  Those are some pretty d@mn good numbers for a Weekend Warrior.  The average male golfer drives the ball 247 yards.... stud!

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