
Do I get my contact right away?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to do my eye exam and fitting for contact in a few days, I was just wondering. Do I get my contact lenses right away? ( like a tester) or I have to wait like a glasses?

NB: i have astigmatism maybe diff lenses like toric?

If yes, how long does it really take?





  1. At the place where I got mine a couple weeks ago, they give you test lens that you practice putting in and taking out, and then you just keep them in when you leave. After a week you'll come back in and see how they work for you. You should come in earlier if there are problems though, or at least give the office a call and ask about it. After they make sure everything is ok, they'll place the order for your actual contacts.

  2. I think if it's the fitting you get a weeks trial, then you order more. I have contacts. Make sure everything feels right and you can see good.

  3. you'll walk away and keep the one you fit with.  If your astigmatism is not that strong you will be prescribed single vsion contacts and it will be added to the computation of your prescription.

    The contacts grade may slightly differ from your glasses but it will compensate.

  4. I just got contacts a few weeks ago.

    Where I go they check your eyes & le de da.. than they give you a trial pair to wear for a week, than you come back in to make sure they are working good for you, than they will order you some, (you keep the trial pair until your order comes in).

    I have astigmatism, so i got acuve advanced WITH asigmatism.

    & to get your order it can take 7-10 business days(I was told..)

  5. unless you already have glasses you, you go sraight to poping in a contact

    if you dont have glasses youll have to get some, and wait a few months before geting contcts

    in accu v it toke like 4 weeks minumin  2 recive them

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