
Do I get my stymulus check back if I file an amendment with the IRS, after I already filled once and owe them?

by  |  earlier

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I'm married and at first I filled my taxes separately. I owed the IRS and they put my stymulus check torwards what I owed them. Now, I refilled my taxes married filling jointly - (amendment filled) and I'm eligible for a return. Do I receive my stimulus check back or do the IRS get to keep it. I know this sounds like a stupid question, but I can't find the answer anywhere.

Thank you!




  1. Yes. I assume from your question that your amended return resulted in a refund due to you. That is, the amount of the refund showing on the amended return is the same amount you would have received had you filed jointly to begin with.

    Since the stimulus payment offset to your debt, it will be refunded since the debt no longer exists. For example, let's say you owed $1000 on your original return and you had a stimulus payment of $600 applied to it. Then you file an amended return which results in a refund due of $200. Since there is already a credit of $600 on your account, you would recieve $800 back.  

  2. You will have to call the IRS for sure - but it sounds to me like the stimulus became a payment towards your taxes, so it should be refunded to you.

    - Did your spouse file and get their rebate?

    My understanding is that amended returns normally will not impact the stimulus payment - any adjustments that would be made would be made on your 2008 return.

    But since they calculated the stimulus already - it should be treated like an estimated payment or carry forward and would be refunded to you along with the rest of your refund.

  3. best way to find out the answer is to call them, or go to their site.

  4. No you won't get it back.  The stimulus check is based on the original filing, not on the amendment.

  5. Yes, after they receive and process your return, which might take two months. You should give them a call If you don't get your stimulus payment 8 weeks after you get your refund.

  6. If you filed an amendment and it showed you receiving money then you may receive the money. Why don't you just call the IRS and ask.

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