
Do I get to skip a payment if I am buying a house I rent and I paid a first and last months rent?

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I am in a lease with option to buy. I am going to be buying the home next month. When I first moved in I paid a first and last months rent. Does that mean I don't have to pay next month since it would be my "last month"?




  1. does your lease/option give you credit against the purchase price for all lease payments you made?  If so, then it would just make the purchase price smaller if you made another month's payment.  But, it does make sense that you should skip a payment, as long as the owner agrees.  At some point, that "last month's payment" has to be accounted for or refunded to you.

  2. You should ask the person your buying it from.

  3. If you bought a house rented by someone else, the rental amounts paid for periods after the closing date will be adjusted in the closing date, just as prepaid utilities or utilities left unpaid will be.

    So no, you get this in your closing adjustments, not in a skipped payment. You have to make sure to claim that in the adjustments.

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