
Do I go visit my friend who is ill?

by  |  earlier

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My friend is ill, she lives 3, 000miles away, it is very hard for me to drop everything and just go, i have three kitties who I can't just leave. she sent me an e mail saying she was very upset because I went to visit my daughter in stead of her. she started up casting everything she'd ever done for me, this I put in an earlier Q& A. now her husband is asking me to go visit her, ( He didn't know about the nasty letter she had sent me) in my e mail in reply I stated that I had done an awful lot for her too, but I don't count the things we do for each other. I really don't want to go visit, am I wrong? I feel like I am being pressured into doing something I don't want to do. My husband says he know what HE would do ( but then says he's not pressuring me)




  1. well if she is your friend and is ill and wants to see you then you would be a pretty bad friend to not give her that wish

  2. She shouldn't have sent you that was uncalled for.

    Just because she asked, I don't think you should go until she realized it wasn't right.

    Besides, your daughter is more important.

    But that also she a good friend you've known for a long time? Or is she just a friend?

    If she's a best friend, I say go visit her. If not, you don't have to.

  3. It is very hard to answer your question as some information is missing.

    1) She is ill - just sick >>>>>>dieing?

    2) Friend - just a friend >>>>>>>best friend

    Depending on where she fits in the above range would help in giving an opinion.

    Your daughter should come before anyone else including a best friend so don't feel the least bit guilty about visiting her.

    Cost is another factor 3M miles away would mean a plane ticket. Perhaps lodging, food, etc.

    The question I am asking myself now is why does she feel that she needs to see you so badly?

    Bottom line, the best I can say is do what you feel is right and don't let anyone guilt you into anything.  

  4. if she was a true friend she wood understand that u are not in position 2 visit her at the mo!  

    so u need tu tell her that????

  5. u should go just think if u have gotten ill wouldn't u want her there to?

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