
Do I have Acne? Answers please!?

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My spots haven't got better, or worse.

I dont know weather on my forehead that I've got just bad skin, acne, teenage spots, or whatever.

How can I be able to tell whats wrong with my skin?

And how can I cure it?




  1. Yes it is called acne. But not to worry there are ways to prevent and cure them. refer here

  2. If it's on your forehead do you wear hair gel?

  3. yeah you do.its easy to cure it

  4. It sounds more like teenage spots, acne will normally affect the whole of the face, and is very red with large spots/blocked pores.

    Spots in the teenage years and early adulthood tends to be due to hormones which are changing quite a bit, testosterone which is produced in the testes in boys or by the ovaries and adrenal glands in girls switiches on the grease glands which enlarge and begin production.  The levels of grease production are generally higher in boys.  The maturing glands become blocked producing black heads, and unpleasant red spots.

    You need to keep your skin clean, use a gentle exfoliant morning and nite, but don't over stimulate as this can increase oil production, you can buy an antibacterial mositurizer to apply after cleansing which will help protect your skin.

    Don't touch your face with your fingers as this can spread them, your hair touching your forehead can also help to spread the spots.

    You need to eat as healthly as possible, 3 meals a day, especially breakfast, drink water to help flush you system through, but you don't need vast quantities, small amounts often.

    Your digestive system can aggrevate the spots, so you need to keep this working properly, hence proper eating etc.  Cut down on sugars, caffine, which is in fizzy drinks as well as coffee tea.

    Beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A can help protect the skin from bacteria, which contribute to spots and acne.

    B-complex vitamins, can help with stress, which can also contribute to skin problems.

    Zinc is believed to be one of the most important minerals for healthy skin.

    You do need to speak with a chemist or doctor before embarking on vitamin intake to make sure you are taking the right amounts.

    Don't worry you are definatley not alone with skin problems at your age.

  5. wash your face like daily. Try to not where make up or if you do where stuff for sensitive skin.  

  6. Try the Aspirin mask..i herd its good!

    Google it to find out how to make it your self!

    All you need is honey and aspirin tablets

  7. You should just go to the doctors...I only had a few spots on my chin which wouldn't clear up and I went to the doctors she just prescribed me some tablets and gel and they really clear it up much better than anything you can buy over the counter. It's really nothing to be embarrased about...they've seen it all before a million times, I was literally in and out in 5 mins...also paying for a prescription is often cheaper than buying other expensive products which claim to work.

    Also (sorry rambling a bit) the doctor is able to provide you with stronger lotions and tablets if the first lot don't work and she can help monitor your skin to see how well it is clearing up.

    Sorry I know this is not what you wanted to hear but I would really recommend sorting it out with the doctors as you know what they prescribe you is definitely going to work and your skin will clean up quicker therefore minimising the risk of scarring!

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