
Do I have HPV or Not? (1) Family doctor says yes, (1) Gynecologist says no?

by  |  earlier

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So I had a few skin colored "moles" develop 3 years ago. My family doctor said it looked like HPV. I was shocked because, although I've had multiple partners in the past, I had only been with this 1 person for 15 yrs. I immediately looked at him when I found out what it was and he denied any cheating. The doctor stated that it could have been dormant for years w/o showing any evidence. He froze them off. I went to my gynecologist who tested me and it came back negative. The following year, I got a few more. I went straight to my gynecologist this time, who said it was probably a hormonal imbalance causing these little mole like things. He tested me again, said it was negative. He tried to freeze them, did a crappy job, so I went back to my family doctor, who looked at them and successfully froze them. I told him I tested negative and told him what my gynecologist said. He told me he was pretty sure they looked like those who have HPV. I've done some research, but confused. A) Do I or don't I? B) If it they are warts, would it have waited 15yrs to show up? C) Why do they seem to appear around the same time each year now - but in different spots. D) If I managed to test negative, could I somehow have it externally<?> E) Wouldn't my gynecologist have tested if it was external having seen them? F) Would my doctor lie? Now I feel like I'm putting my new boyfriend at risk because I've got yet another unexplained one. I've kind have talked to him about it and he's freaked out, but I've told him I've tested negative twice, which is the truth and I actually took the Guardasil series to prevent me ever getting it....I'm so confused




  1. wanna know the real truth about hpv (the virus), talk to a PhD about it

  2. i agree w/ the person below me and also think if this does not work change ur gyno.  

  3. get another gyne and go for a tie breaker and have dr. retest is he doing vag or blood paps are often wrong I got a class 3 pap from a simple yeast infection

  4. well first of all the Gaurdasil doesn&#039;t protect from ALL of the strains of the virus, so its still possible to get HPV even with the shots. Also, I would highly recommend going to get a 3rd and even 4th opinion. Go see a virologist and another gynocologist about it, someone who specializes in viruses and diseases. Good luck hun!

  5. family dr just said it &#039;looked like&#039; HPV. I am sure they looked like HPV- but looking like something doesn&#039;t make it so.

    GYN is the one to trust in this area- they only work with the girl parts. Since you are still feeling confused make another appointment and ask the GYN how to test and treat the horomone imbalance causing these, how the test for HPV works, could they test the wart to see exactly what is going on. Add in any other questions and don&#039;t leave until you feel good about what is going on.  

  6. A) Do I or don&#039;t I? Most warts of the v***a are diagnosis only by visual…most doctors know what genital warts due to HPV virus looks like.  Your question didn’t say if a biopsy of a wart was taken.  Most doctors do not send a wart to a lab for conformation that it your something is indeed due to HPV.  You may have an HPV type that causes visible genital warts of the v***a.


    B) If it they are warts, would it have waited 15yrs to show up? Yes it could have take years for the virus to show…

    C) Why do they seem to appear around the same time each year now - but in different spots.  

    I would have no guess for this one….HPV genital warts can reactivate why they are choosing the same time

    D) If I managed to test negative, could I somehow have it externally&lt;?&gt;

    Your Pap smear is a sampling of your cervical cells.  The HPV test is done on these cervical cells.  No v***a cells are taken during the screening of our cervix… and there is no HPV DNA approved test to screen for the v***a.  HPV of the v***a is sorta like the penis…there is no screening method…we usually see our doctor due to something abnormal…An  HPV infections of the v***a does not need to look like a wart.    

    E) Wouldn&#039;t my gynecologist have tested if it was external having seen them? There is no external HPV test.

    F) Would my doctor lie? I don’t think a doctor lies…but they can sorta be evasive in an answer…

    Your HPV test of the cervix has been negative…your infection of the v***a may have been HPV.  

    Most visible genital warts are due to low risk HPV types 6 or 11, but as I have said before you can have an HPV infection of the v***a and never have a wart.  

    The HPV test screens for 13 high risk HPV types using the sample of the cervix.  The HPV test does not screen for low risk HPV types of the cervix.   Once HPV goes into a low viral load it is not seen in any test.

    The Gardasil series of injections will not prevent HPV types that you already have.  The Gardasil vaccine does not prevent all 30+ genital HPV types. www.gardasil

    What you are expriencing does sound like v***a warts....most v***a warts do not look like the pics on line.  

    HPV is not detected in the blood...and though you now test negative for a cervical HPV infection the HPV this is not a test for past infections....

    Trust me I understand the confusion...I was diagnosed with high risk HPV of the v***a and never had a visible genital wart...

    I hope this helps just a bit...and I wish  you well.

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