
Do I have MRSA???????????????

by  |  earlier

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I have a small boil about the size of a dime (doesn't look too bad and hurts slightly) on my neck that has been there for a couple days and hasnt got any better. I also recently developed a three striped red lines side by side on my elbow as well that burn. I went to the ER room last night and the doctor didnt think it was anything serious but is treating it like a staph infection. After reading all the symptoms over the internet Im concerned that I may in fact have had contracted MRSA somehow be it randomly outside or from a cat bite possibly not sure. Im sort of scared and confused as it seems all staph infections now have a 50/50 chance of being MRSA and people say that it is in fact very deadly and permanent.




  1. You are right death is permanent,  the only way you can specifically be    diagnosed with MRSA is you have a swab taken of the affected site and sent to a lab for culture and sensitivity. I have two cats who have clawed me and I've healed from them,but a cat bite did become infected.  Cats have a whole host of bacteria in their mouths so it is important that you get a culture swab done and be put on the correct antibiotics ASAP,  MRSA is treatable, it just takes a long time.Its always better to be safe,  

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