I've never had mono before, so I wouldn't really know.
I haven't kissed or made contact with anyone who has it, but I haven't been sleeping lately, and I heard that you can get it from lack of sleep.
I have a sore throat, which happens if my throat gets dry and I don't drink anything for a few hours, which I didn't, because I was asleep...
I get fevers, fatigue, and weakness frequently, because, to be perfectly honest, I overexert myself too much.
I have drainage, so I'm thinking that it's just allergies, due to the fact that I have been feeling sick for a few days yet my lymph glands are not swollen, my skin hasn't paled, or any of the other symptoms other than fever and sore throat.
I'm only asking this because I'm a bit of a paranoid hypochondriac when it comes to getting sick, so I thought I would just make sure.
If it helps, I recently got my nose pierced and sometimes forget to clean it, but I doubt that has anything to do with it.
Also, I'm rather susceptible to getting bad cases of allergies in spring and summer.
SO, I'm just asking. Thanks.