
Do I have OCD? please help me!?

by Guest58591  |  earlier

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I think i might have OCD but im not sure.

Whenever my friends are over and they sit on my bed, i make them get off and i have to remake the bed. and i have these striped pillows, and if they are horizontal, i freak out and have the change them so they are virtical. my living room has 3 beems on the cealing, i guess to hold the cealing up, but i cant sit under them. i have to sit in between them. and when my friends are over and i have a coke or something, i have to lift it up, put it down, lift it up, put it down, then i can drink it. and if i dont, i cant drink it! and i count how many times i chew my food. it has to be 22 times. and my friends think im so weird because of the coke thing that i cry and they think im so retarted. Do i have OCD? and if so, is there anything i can do about it? HELP ME!




  1. It sounds like it could be. Those are some pretty severe symptoms, I would recommend seeing a psychiatrist to see how you can take control before your life becomes unmanageable and to see what options you can have to help.

  2. i don't think your case is major but i definatly think u do have it

  3. This definitely sounds like OCD. You need to speak with your doctor as there may be something you can do to help the situation. Good luck

  4. You're so darling... I like your sense of humor. But, I hear your pain. I'm not a DR... BUT I  PLAY ONE ON ME...I have had so many labels like ocd bpd adhd... and all the other ones in my life. At 42, I can give you advise on just about any disorder or pill. You definitely do have ocd. Now what to do... Find a good psychiatrist, and a good therapist asap... Pills will help you as well as therapy. Prozac, pacil and a slue of others are good for ocd patients. If you think you don't want this route... try to meditate with deep breathing exercises to calm music. And know that we all have our little quirks, some are even endearing to others in all truth. Be you, but by taking the 1st step to dealing with obsessive compulsive disorder it will enable you control in finding ways to create  new habits. The Dr . idea is your best bet. And you're likely to be one that won't need meds long.

    God Bless You ,   Joni

  5. yes, i think you do

    you need to tell someone

    good luckkk

  6. I don't think that you have ocd, everyone has things that they do that are kind of like that but that does not mean that they are ocd  

  7. Yeahhhhh you definitly do.

    It ok alot of people have it.

    I do except its not that bad.

    Like I have a certain order I have to do things

    in the morning and if I dont do all of them

    together in the right order

    I cant do any of them at all.

    And if my room is messy it cant be all in one pile

    it has to be spread out every where.

    So its ok.

    But you will have to ask your parents

    to look for someone like a phsycologist

    that can help you fix it.

    Good luck.

  8. It sounds like you do have a problem with certain everyday aspects of your life being controlled by your obsessive hangups.  However, you already realize this and seeing this and wanting to change is half the battle. I'd make an appointment with a psychiatrist and they can maybe put you on a mild dose of Lexipro and give you ways to combat these urges. A lot of people go through this. Have hope - it can be overcome!

  9. yeah you've got some OCD.

    the thing is- all mental s***w-ups are on a continuum, right? there's shades of grey between 'sane' and 'nuts', and we're all in between somewhere.

    what matters is if it makes you unable to live your life happily

    if it's getting to you, go see a counselor. plenty of easy to swallow pills for this sort of thing

    (my dad has ocd, i don't mean to act like it's no big deal)

  10. wow i think you do :| cuz no offense but that s**+-ts wierd

  11. ....

    see a proffesional. they will know

  12. i have OCD also.

    yes you have it.

    its no big deal..

    i have to walk in a room.

    walk out and walk back in.

    i have to do things an odd number of times.


    everyone thinks im stupid.

    but i cant help itt.

  13. It may well be OCD. There is a quiz for this, in section 1 (psychological tests) in ezy build, below. If it takes up more than an hour, daily, gets worse, or interferes with your life to any great degree; seek therapy, because it can quickly take over a person's life. See section 7, on OCD, at ezy build, below and also view section 6, since some consider to be an anxiety related disorder.                

                     Practice one of the relaxation methods on pages 2, 11, 2c, or 2i, daily, and when needed. Also, give the EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. There is also a version for use in public places, (if you like, you can claim to have a headache, as you massage/lightly tap your temples). "Even though I suffer from OCD, I deeply and completely accept myself."  Section 53, and pages 2, 2.q and 2.o at also refer.        


        (The following is a variant of Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing therapy, which has been used successfully for those people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, insomnia, and anxiety: it is easily learned, quick to use, yet can be very effective. It is easy to be dismissive of such a seemingly unusual technique, but give it a good tryout, for at least a few weeks, to see if it is effective in your case).

    Prior to using either of the methods in the above paragraph, first sit comfortably, and take a deep breath. Then, without moving your head, move your eyes from the left, to the right, and back again, taking around a second to do so (say: "a thousand and one": this takes approximately a second).

    Repeat this procedure (without the words, although you can count, subvocally, if you like) 20 times: "A thousand and one; a thousand and two... " and so on, to a thousand and twenty. Then close your eyes and relax. Become aware of any tension or discomfort you feel.                      

                     Then open your eyes, and take another deep breath, and repeat step one, closing your eyes, and relaxing afterwards, in the same manner. Then, repeat the procedure one last time. Some people may find that this is all they need do.   With experience, you may find that you can practise this in public, with your eyes closed, which greatly widens the window of opportunity for its use, and avoids attracting unwanted attention. I have found that the 2 - 3 minutes spent using the EMDR markedly reduces distractions to the relaxation process, and is repaid many times over.

    I also use it prior to my chosen relaxation technique, after lights out, at night. For more about Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing therapy, showing recommendations by those who have used it, including a professional psychotherapist with more than 20 years of experience in that field, see sections 33 - 34, at ezy-build. She was skeptical, at first, and I remained unconvinced, until trying it, and now I use it twice daily, including after lights out, at night.                

                       Because OCD is considered to be related to anxiety, try getting yourself some "worry beads", (ask at a religious supplies store, Catholic church, or Muslim mosque) and deliberately replace your former activity with moving them about between, or around your fingers: it takes about 30 - 40 reps, for most people to instill a new habit.

  14. I would say you have OCD.  You need to see a DOCTOR.   We can;t help you here.  You need to see a doctor for an offical diagnosis and medication!

  15. yeah i think you do

    but dont worry about it unless if it effects your life dramatically

    i have mild ocd...when i walk on side walks i cant step on cracks or grooves between each block lol

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