I think i might have OCD but im not sure.
Whenever my friends are over and they sit on my bed, i make them get off and i have to remake the bed. and i have these striped pillows, and if they are horizontal, i freak out and have the change them so they are virtical. my living room has 3 beems on the cealing, i guess to hold the cealing up, but i cant sit under them. i have to sit in between them. and when my friends are over and i have a coke or something, i have to lift it up, put it down, lift it up, put it down, then i can drink it. and if i dont, i cant drink it! and i count how many times i chew my food. it has to be 22 times. and my friends think im so weird because of the coke thing that i cry and they think im so retarted. Do i have OCD? and if so, is there anything i can do about it? HELP ME!