
Do I have OCD?

by Guest65693  |  earlier

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Every morning I feel as if I have to repeatedly tell my boyfriend to wear his seatbelt before he goes to work.. otherwise i THINK that he wont put it on and he'll crash and die.

Also, every morning I feel as if I have to actually WATCH him pull out the driveway and drive down the street until I cant see him anymore.. Otherwise, he'll crash and die in a car accident.

[car accidents are a big thing for me because I have lost a lot of family and friends do to them]




  1. I don't think its OCD...I think you are a bit of a worry wart, but with good reason, since you've lost several people who were close to you as the result of a car accident.  Hopefully, he doesn't get upset with you for "nagging" him about it.

  2. No, you just care about him and there is nothing wrong with that.

  3. I don't know? Every morning I do the same thing as well, however there is no safety concern in what I do.

    I get up, go down stairs, make some coffee, get my cereal, then I open the blinds so my cats can look outside, then I get ready for work. I do that same thing everyday. Does that make me OCD?

    Yes. However, is it good to have a routine? Yes. For me it is. So I guess my point in telling you all this is that routines are a great thing. If they put you rmind at ease and make you feel better than they are a great thing indeed.

    Sorry to hear about the loss of your family and friends from car accidents.  Please keep telling your boyfriend to be safe. There are so many crazy drivers out there. I just learned the other day that  friends of mines daughter and wife were killed by a truck driver that fell asleep after being up for 2 days straight....we was on drugs to keep him awake and he just passed out. I could not beleive it. You just never know what the other drivers on the road are doing. You must be safe at all times...please keep telling your boyfrined to be safe and I am going to continue opening the bilinds for my kitties so they can watch the world go by. :)

  4. maybe but if you do it's very mild

  5. not OCD, just extreme anxiety about cars and crashes.  if you had OCD you would have other behaviors all day long, like repeatedly washing your hands and having to do things in a certain order every time.

  6. It doesn't sound like OCD. It sounds like paranoia.

  7. Just seems like you have had tragic experiences dealing with car crashes and are afraid of your b/f getting in one.

  8. Its probably a little of that and post traumatic stress disorder from losing some people that are fairly close to you that may need to seek out counseling to help you over come this condition and maybe a little medication would help you as well.  Its nothing to be ashamed about because we all have issues that we deal with and this is something that you can wishes

  9. I am not an authority of any kind, however, it is my understanding that OCD is ususally based on unwaranted acts of obsessive or compulsive behavior. You have a reason for fear. You have lost friends and family in car crashes! I do think you should seek some help for this fear. This has to be a terrible burden for you to carry!! To have this fright every single time you see a loved one enter a vehicle is not healthy. I cannot imagine how this must be for you!! Please find a way to ease your pain. May God Bless and Watch Over You and Your Loved Ones.
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