
Do I have Paranoia, or is it just me?

by Guest65459  |  earlier

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I worry constantly about things. I hear about illnesses and then I think I have them. I don't worry I have Cancer, or and physical illness, but I worry about mental illnesses. When I learn about symptoms of these illnesses, like Psychopathy and desire to kill, I start believing I am thinking these things. Like today I started worrying I had psychopathy and then I thought I wanted to kill people. Do you think it is just my mind making up illusions or do I really need help??




  1. You have a baaaad case of panic disorder!! You need some depression pills, anxiety meds, and something to help with the paranoia!!

  2. its just u

  3. Maybe you need some extracurricular activities, boredom will have you thinking allkinds of weird sh*t...


  4. I think you might need to talk to a trained professional.That doesn't seem right to me to have those feelings.I worried about you & i dont even no you this a lot for you to deal with talk to your family about this.

  5. You need to see a therapist.

  6. people with paranoia have thoughts that others are talking or laughing about/at them. They think people are trying to harm them or kill them. It is a subtype of schizophrenia. Their thoughts are not based in what one would think of as reality.

    A "psychopath" is a person who uses others for their own benefit, without any concious.  Doesn't think twice about lying or stealing if it will benefit them. It is actually called sociopathic personality disorder, and is an axis II diagnosis, which you officially can't get until you are 18 years old.

    Now as for you....sounds like you have some obsessional thinking.You get stuck on a thought and repeat it for a while. You should see a doctor if these thoughts interfer with everyday life.  Adolescents have lots of worries, that's pretty normal. If this hasn't been going on for more than a few months, don't worry about it, it should pass.

  7. Your not crazy don't worry. It's like when someone talks about bugs or lice and then you start to itch, it's a weird thing that sometimes happens to alot of people.

  8. You're suffering from... hypochondria!  We can be hypochondriacs about mental illnesses, too.  With all the crazy things happening in the world, such as a guy strolling into a bank and shooting random people, we worry: Could I be a walking time bomb?  On the news we'll hear that a killer "was such a quiet, nice neighbor".  Well, appearances are deceiving.  Meanwhile, if you really fear you're psychopathic, you could see a shrink.  But perhaps you could just monitor the type of entertainment you enjoy.  Are you watching CSI, playing Halo, or reading Stephen King?  If so, keep in mind that they glorify killing and break free of that type of entertainment.  

  9. I think that its just you letting your mind wonder. Focus on the good things in this world, as hard as it may seem. The mind is a hard thing to understand, but all I have heard is that mental illnesses have to do with the dark side of life, like demons, etc.  

  10. It's probably just you..but if you keep having these thoughts...I think you might want to go see a psychiatrist..

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