
Do I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?? ?

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I'm 16 and when I was reading about this I have most of the symptoms

The ones I have are...

increased hair growth on the face, chest, stomach, back, thumbs, or toes—a condition called hirsutism (HER-suh-tiz-um) (i have alot of hair like on my chest inbetween my b*****s and no other girls have that, it's so embarresing :O)

acne, oily skin, or dandruff

weight gain or obesity, usually carrying extra weight around the waist

(i find it hard to lose the weight too)

male-pattern baldness or thinning hair (my hair is kind of thin now but they may be because of layers in my hair)

anxiety or depression (not been diagnosed)

And I usually have trouble sleeping

I don't want to go to the doctor, I know I should though. Could there be anything else wrong with me?

Also if I did have it, will I ever be able to have kids?

If you want to know more just ask





  1. Its very likely that you do have PCOS particularly if your periods are irregular.

    About the kids,Ladies with PCOS can have some difficulty conceiving not because they are cants but its because they do not ovulate every month.However not all patients are the same.Almost all can conceive either naturally or by assisted methods of conception including either medication or in vitro fertilization or a combination of both.So hopefully you are fine from this part.

    Now the doctor part.Doctors are obliged to keep your secrets by confidentiality at your age, and they will not tell any body anything about your condition even your parents.So I think that you should go visit your doctor and as her/him to keep it secret & I assure you that no body will know.

    The doctor will run some investigations blood +Ultrasound on your ovaries,probably only U/S.    And then might prescribe you dianette which will help regulate your period and acne.and might also prescribe you a medication to loose weight. I really recommend that you c a doctor.

  2. Something like this should only be diagnosed by a doctor.  Don't rely on what you read online - I have increased hair, dandruff, carry extra weight around my waist and am often anxious/depressed and have trouble sleeping, (in fact, so do most of us at one time or another) but I don't have polycystic ovaries.  Try not to worry about it, if you are worried then see a doctor.   And stop trying to self-diagnose or you could end up a hypercondriac.

  3. You can still have kids, but it won't be very possible to get pregnant through intercourse, you may need IVF, depending on the severety of the PCOS.

    You seriously need to go doctor, You got to. Not because you don't want too.

  4. it does sound like PCOS. do you have dark patches anywhere or a dark lone around your neck? it usually goes hand in hand with insulin resistance. but with diet and exercise it is treatable. there are some medications too. go to a  dietician. my daughter does. the diet is fun. you wont have to deprive yourself. and micro nutrients like manganese will help you concieve too.  

  5. You may have PCOS, but it could also be a different hormone-type problem. A couple of blood tests would be a good start in diagnosing this. I think you'll feel much better after visiting your GP, so why not ring and make an appointment now?

    (Please don't take any notice of the poster who says you'll need IVF. I know plenty of women with PCOS who've conceived normally.)

  6. Well since you know you should go to the doctor im not going to tell you that.

    I will say that women with PCOS can definitely have kids, it may take some help by the doctor or it may take a long time..Its best to catch it early while your young. They have alot of meds that can help with PCOS anyway you would have kids in no time. technology is amazing!

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