
Do I have a Hangover?

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okay so last night i drank it wasnt very much (no more than i usually do) but i got really really drunk for some reason and i remeber laying in bed with a headache now its morning and i still have a headache, and a sore neck and when i get up to walk round it gets waaay worse, normally when i drink i dont get a hangover, so is it possible that i have one now, i did get more drunk than usual if that matters, and if i do what do i do to get rid of it?




  1. yes you are hung over lol

    black coffee

    cold showers

    and time help :)

  2. sounds like you do have a hangover :)  

    just take some ibuprofen (400 or 500 milligrams is fine), so if the capsules are 200 or 250 mg each then take two.

    drink tons of water, you get hungover because your body is dehydrated.  if not water, gatorade.  it'll make your stomach feel better and it's packed with electrolytes.

    eat something small.  that'll help a ton.

    other than that just relax and take it easy, it's probably a good day to be lazy.  

    as for your keyboard question, i have no idea.  sorry :-/

  3. sounds like hangover,...i suggest you drink lots of water and relax today. if it does not pass by tomorrow-start thinking flu.

  4. You are dehydrated. Drink some water.

  5. I would have to agree with what someone said before it is all about how hydrated you are.  I don't get hangovers and I think the reason behind that is; the only thing I drink (besides alcohol) is water.  Always try to drink water before you go to sleep, if you wake up during the night, and when you wake up in the morning.  You will stay hydrated and it keeps the headache away.  Now if you get extremely drunk, there's no hope just lay in bed because it won't go away :)
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