
Do I have a Personality Disorder?

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I'm worried there may be something wrong with me...

I'm the kind of person who can never be content. I wanted a job badly, and when I finally got it, I just didn't care anymore.

I feel somewhat lost in life; like, oftentimes I have erratic changes in my sense of self. At times I feel like I want to be an actor, at times I feel like I want to be a writer, and at times I feel like I just want to run away and hide in the woods, or something like that. Another example is that I briefly became a vegetarian, only to grow bored of it and switch back.

My relationship with other people is not very good... I feel like I don't really understand anyone, and I don't think they truly know me either. I am prone to lying, or making stories of my life more interesting than they really are, just to get their attention. Yet, I barely know anything about anyone else, even my parents. They tell me stuff about them, yet I never listen that much. I can never remember anyone else's birthday unless they remind me, and really I just don't feel enthusiatic to celebrate.

I have had one relationship; I didn't think all that much of her, yet I flirted with her and eventually we got together briefly; eventually though, I just got too intense for her and she left me for another guy.

I have apparently a distorted sense of self; I constantly need to know my weight, even though I am in a very healthy range and apparently am a bit too skinny.

Mainly though, I just feel melancholy. Like, all the good times have passed me, and that I better just hold on for a bumpy ride.




  1. Most of what you describe would be consistent with chronic depression.  Whether you also have a full-blown personality disorder would be a call for a skilled diagnostician to make.

    However, it doesn't really matter.  The important thing is to find a therapist you trust and work with him/her to help resolve some of the issues underlying your depression, and to move toward figuring out your life goals and how to achieve them.

    Here's a useful website for finding therapists:

  2. your fine stop worrying and have cofidence  

  3. BPD......if you have self mutilation, you are 99.99% you are BPD.

  4. A lot of the things you said sound a lot like me... I have Borderline Personality Disorder. The only ones that are qualified to diagnose this disorder are psychiatrists and psychologists. BPD is often misdiagnosed for other disorders.

      It is very difficult to overcome, but not impossible.

      Try these sites:



    The best treatment for BPD is Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. The second site can explain more.

    The good times have not passed; if you have this disorder and get treatment for it, they'll have just started.

    Good luck.=)

  5. you sound like a woman. there you have it: woman-syndrome

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