
Do I have a chance at making the MLB?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't played on a travel team mostly because the coach was always a complete jerk to me and i know i'm better then some kids on my local travel team. But i'm going to be a freshmen in high school i

good at second base i'm awesome at first base but i'm to small i don't have much speed and i hit for singles and doubles. Can i make the MLB. Any ideas on how to up my speed. I have and accurate and strong arm but 2 base is my best position because i snag alot of ground balls




  1. Maybe only time will tell but to improve your speed and everything else, have like 10 sessions with a personal trainer and have him teach you good streaches and whatnot. I did that and improved my 40 yard dash time from 5.5 to 5 (Thats much improved) :)

  2. The cool thing about baseball is you get a long time to  prove yourself. Football if you dont get drafted or signed out of college, thats it, you play in canada or you get a real job. play highschool and then if you dont make a major college you play Junior College and then if you put up any kind of numbers at all you will get on at a University or some minor league team will pick you up. If you have any kind of chance of being a decent ball player some minor league team will pay you to play. and the big league teams will always be looking. and if you have 2 or 3 great seasons in minors, then you are on all the big teams radars.       There was a guy playing in the oympics this year that has played minor league baseball for 13 years or something. you get years and years to to try to make the big leagues. .....................if you arent crushing the ball then you are going to have to steal some bases and play great defense. the little things really matter to coaches.  there are a lot of programs out there that help with speed. find one. work hard at it.

  3. i would do squat thrusts to build speed. They are proven to work. And sorry, you dont have the best chances...

  4. In all fairness, Yahoo Answers is about asking questions that you don't know the answer to that someone else should.

    What you are looking for is Yahoo Predict the Future.


    So, you are essentially asking a bunch of baseball FANS if they think you are good enough to make the majors based on a paragraph of your personal opinion.

    What types of answers would make you happy?  Somone here thinking you can, saying you can't.

    Even though it's possible, I doubt anyone here is a professional scout and even if they were, what can someone say.

    Statistically, it's very slim chance at anyone making the majors

    We have a world population of 6.5 billion and a major league population of 750.

    So, your odds right from the get-go are 1 in 8,666,667.

    That's about half the chance at winning a standard pick 6 out of 49 #'s lottery.

  5. well to improve speed wear ankle weights and do sprints and even just wear them around to house.  if you keep it up i guess you could but you have to leave that decision up to no matter what people tell you if you say you can do it you can do it.  always keep your head up and reach for the stars(in this case the MLB)

    good luck!

  6. if you have a strong arm have you tried pitching? 90 mph is about average. you dont have the bat speed to be a posistion player if your not popping homeruns consistantly at your level.  

  7. if u just work on ur glove and ur footwork for defense u could become a really good 2nd baseman and for offense if u do need improvement just go to a batting cage every now and then and take a few hacks

    to build up ur speed, stretch, work out with legs, and run sprints

    then who knows, u might have a chance

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