
Do I have a choice to class animal disectation?

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My cousin is in 9th grade, soon he will be order to perform disectation on baby pigs and other animals, he do not want to do it, and the teacher told him he'll get a 0.

Is there any law that protects those who do not want to experiment on animals? Please help




  1. You have bad grammar. To answer your question, there is no law about this, but a parental note saying it's against his beliefs to dissect animals will almost definitely stop it. The law is that schools cannot interfere with your religion or personal belief. If he believes the dissection is morally wrong, they cannot make him do it.

  2. I don't think there is, but your parents or guardians can get permission from a physiologist to have him skip it in some mental form of his brain. If he has blood problems or ADHD, the disectation will probably make him faint. My cousin was in 8th grade and she dissecteded a frog, the one animal she LOVES!! She saw the blood and everything else and was in the hospital for a couple of days. Like i said, a doctor probably could send a note with him so he wouldn't do it, couldn't do it, and could possibly be given an assignment to fill that position. It all depends on what school it is and what your cousin is like.

    Hope this helps you and your cousin.

  3. They prob. is. My school dissects pigs, too. It is really eww, and fill sorry for the piglets =( If their isn't I would just skip school that day, and get extra credit papers!

  4. No, and I believe at that grade he had a choice in picking what science he took. If anything, have him pair up with someone who loves to dissect animals, while he takes notes or helps answer the lab questions.

  5. You don't have to do it but you will get an F. I wish they would make a law on it but that's just the way it is. If you really want to do something about it you could start a petition and get as many kids as you can to sign it! you will be surprised they might just change their minds! good luck! baby pigs how sad at my school we have to dissect cats!

  6. yes my name is isabella im 12 and i had to disect a pig and i did not want to so i told mt teacher and he said that i would fail if i diid not do it and my mom got him fired and put it on new chanle ten..............

    it is a law so go tell the teacher the poor pig

  7. i remember when i was in HS, someone had their parents talk to the teacher and principle about this and they were excused from the exercise. but had to do a written exam in lieu of the dissection.

  8. The only reason as to why he cannot take part is if he is vegetarian or is of any religion that dis allows harm to certain animals i.e. Jewdaism or sikhism

  9. i took that class, the teacher clearly explained that the student dont have to do it if they feel uneasy about it.

  10. i'm not sure about the law, i think it depends what state you're in. but regardless, if your cousin is against dissection, his/her teacher should give him/her an alternate assignment. if the teacher continues to be unreasonable, get a group of others who are against dissection together (i'm sure your cousin is not the only one) and take the matter to the principal or a counselor. for more help, here's a link to the peta kids website about dissection:

  11. no law but the school should have plans for something like this, he should talk to the teacher if not then the principal to find out what else he can do like make up work or another assignment to get points because they should have alternatives for people who do not like dissecting animals

  12. It depends on the teacher. I did not have to participate in dissection, instead the teacher had a work sheet for us to do. The worksheet was harder to get a good grade on but it was worth not having to do dissection! :) hope it works out!


  14. Depends on the state.  Call the State Department of Education and see if the law exists.  Also your state might have a chapter of ASPCA you can ask.  They're more inclined to be on your side, too.

    Good Luck

  15. Not sure. But if you PICKED the class, you might be required to do it. But if the class was already chosen for you then you should have the option to just watch the dissection or be excused from it. I know when I did dissections in 9th grade my teacher told us we had the option to do the actual dissection or do a virtual one on a computer.

    His best bet is to push for the virtual dissection online. The teacher should know about that.

    Personally, I think if you don't want to do it, you don't have to.

  16. That depends on the state. The only thing that I can recommend is that you set up an appointment with the principal and teacher and find a way around it. All schools do dissections. There are websites where you can do the dissections online. I had that option in high school.

    the website above gives a list of sites that allow you to do the dissection online. I don't know if there is any pig. See if you can make a compromise with the school.  

  17. Depends on your school system.  Most private schools, you must do the dissection or fail.  Some public schools allow you do to virtual dissections (it's a computer module).  Others say you must do the dissection.  Check your school's handbook and if that doesn't work call the main line to the school system and ask for the office of science.  Then once you get that number call them and ask for the live dissection policy.  That's how you can find out.

    I would recommend that he do the dissections, however, if he wants to ever take a college biology course because in college you HAVE to do the dissections (since you chose to take the course) and having some dissection skills is really helpful.

  18. You haven't said why he doesn't want to perform the dissection, which you misspelled.

  19. Talk to a counselor, there must be.

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