
Do I have a decent voice?

by  |  earlier

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I'm starting up a band as a vocalist and I'm wondering how I sound.




  1. The quality of the clip makes it quite difficult to determine the quality of your voice. From what I can hear, there are a few technical things I'd suggest working on.

    1. Pitch. A few times you go off pitch slightly, so you need to work on maintaining the pitch. Practice using a piano or singing to a Minus One track (accompaniment without the vocals) or having someone listen to you.

    2. Attack the note straight on. With many of the notes, I heard a slide or scoop to get to the note where you started at two notes below the note you wanted and then slid up to that note. This doesn't sound very good in most songs and especially by male performers not singing gospel music.

    3. Bring your tone either up into your head or down into your chest. Your tone sounds a bit nasally. Try singing from your chest/abdomen or your head. Not from your nose.

    A vocal coach for a few months can work wonders. I would suggest one or some serious practicing before forming your band. You have a talent; you just need some honing of the skills.

  2. Cant really hear it :S

  3. The quality of the clip wasn't too good do it's hard to tell.

    You sounded okay but you need a lot of work.

    Get some voice training and then you will be good.

    If not just work on it and ask your band mates what they think because it's what you all want to project as a band that matters.

    Good luck and have fun in you band =]


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