
Do I have a disabilty, because I only have a 7th grade education?

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Do I have a disabilty, because I only have a 7th grade education?

I think I have had a math disabilty as well. I never got tested in that specific area though. I have been tested for over all learning disabilys, but passed. I can not get a job due to my education level, and I cant take the ged or finish school, becaue I just cant learn it! Ahh! Am I disabled??




  1. Your not considered disabled unless a doctor says so. It may be just your study habits that are blocking the way you can try different things such as studying alone with no distractions or entering a study group.

         The study group technique worked for me whaen I was younger, I always had a hard time concetrating in class and never remembered a thing, but the study group was small and kept to the subject at hand.

  2. You need to talk with your doctors and / or psychiatrist about this!  I recommend you ask your parents about this and not worry a thing about how you learn.  You're still able to learn!

  3. I believe that you can learn it. I have tutored many students who left school in 7th and or 8th grade who when ton to pass his or her GED. Go to a community job or work force center. They should have free GED tutoring and instruction. It may take a year or two because some of the information is beyond your current 7th grade education. It's going to appear difficult because it's new, but you need to commit to doing it.  the center will test you again for learning specific disabilities.

  4. No, you're not disabled.  Maybe lazy?  Why didn't you finish school?  Public schools provide special education for kids with learning disabilities.  If  you truly want an education, you will get it.  It may be harder for you than for others, but determination goes a long way.  I know plenty of people with actual disabilities who have finished school and gone on to college.  Stop looking for excuses and go make something of yourself!

  5. Obviously you keep on trying, so that's good. I would try to find another place to test you. Some test for free. Some issues like dyslexia might be hard to find, since they can manifest in so many different ways. You might also be able to find a good tutor who can help you prepare for the GED. Don't give up. There's help out there - you just need to find it.

    Also, as long as you can handle yourself with the public, as in customer service, you can probably find a job.

  6. Judging by your grammer, I would say you are not disabled at all.  You are well spoken and got you point across clearly.  I would also guess that you are probably very intelligent; you just don't have the scores to prove it.  I would take some GED prepatory classes and try to get your GED.  You are certainly capable of learning.  No one can consider you disabled unless you disable yourself.

    GO FOR IT!

  7. you maybe learning disabled but its not concerned a disablility. you can go to adult education centers or learning centers. you can also try JOB CORPS. they require you to finish school while there and you train for a job at the same time. Id also try going to your local high school and talk to the principal and explain your situation. he/she can give you advice or point you into the right direction. there are programs out there available to teach adults how to read so im sure theres something out there to help the learning disabled to get their GED. its too bad your parents allowed you to drop out. you couldve at least been homed schooled and learn at your own pace. do an online search for learning centers in your area. good luck

  8. You can't learn what? Your spelling isn't great but you're not illiterate and your english is passable (barring a few mistakes).

    I have a feeling that you're more lazy than stupid but eh, I could be wrong.

  9. You're not educated and you may have a learning disability, but you're not disabled by virtue of not being educated.  To get help, you need to get tested and get education specific to your ability level.  Don't give up on yourself.

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