
Do I have a disorder or condition? ?

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I'm very logical, and can completely remove emotions when I'm thinking about problems. Is this part of a personality disorder? I've got an appalling memory for everything apart from images and sounds. My mind never stops thinking and I'm very ideological. I'm sure it might be that these are just personality traits - but they do seem extreme. Any ideas? Thanks




  1. How do you know that the rest of the population can't do those "things" you can? No, you don't have a disorder, everyone has those abilities and/or is able to exercise their mind and acquire them.

  2. A schitzoid personality (not to be confused with schitzophrenia) has those characteristics. This is not to be confused as a disorder either. It is just a personality type, although some would call it a disorder, there are so many kinds of personalities...why do they all have to be classified as a disorer? Do shy people need medication to overcome shyness for example? Anyway I digress... True schitzoids tend to be thin, frail, or have a lean body type. If you are not skinny, then you are probably the lesser version of a schitzoid which could be called the common nerd. I mean this in a nice way, I would much rather hang out with nerds than buffed up extroverted jocks any day. The only thing to watch out for is if you come off as being too insolent, try not to constantly correct people if they don't have the facts like you do.That just irritates people and isolates you. If you do that, I don't know. And don't shut off the emotions when you are not focused on facts and figures. It's not a sign of stupidity to share affection.  

  3. From what you've said, it would be impossible to diagnose you with a personality disorder because nothing you've said meets the criteria. I'm not saying you don't have a personality disorder, I'm saying that from the information you've provided, you can't be diagnosed.

    There are a lot of other mental heath disorders other than "personality" disorders. Being able to completely remove emotions is linked to asperger's (along the spectrum of autism), schizophrenia and dissociative disorders.

    We all have dominant thinking styles and it has nothing to do with having a mental disorder. I am a visual thinker and think and remember best with images. Some people are auditory thinkers which means they  think primarily with sound.

    If you are concerned that there is something "wrong" with you, you should go to a psychologist who will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. It is dangerous to self-diagnose by asking people who are not qualified their opinion or by taking online tests, as you are likely to be told something which isn't true.

    All the best

  4. Doubtful, the mind shapes itself given its surroundings. Also possibly genetic pre-dispostion.

  5. Obviously no one can diagnose you here, but what you've mentioned do not amount to any as PD I am aware of.  

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