
Do I have a false negative?

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I had a blood pregnancy test after missing my period for two months. the test came back negative. Now it`s almost three months without a period. But i`ve been feeling pregnancy symptoms such as: sore b*****s, frequent sickness, fatigue, bloating, mood swings, and have been feeling pms symptoms for the last two weeks but still no period.




  1. i bet you are subconciously making yourself feel those symptoms, but you should go get another blood test to be sure they didnt make a mistake

  2. Tell your doctor.

    Maybe he'll order you an ultra sound,

    then they can see if anythings in there.

    Good luck.

  3. False negatives are possible, but rare. Use a pee test or go to a doctor to get checked out. You are either pregnant or something is wrong.

  4. try a home test and pee first thing in the AM. If those are neg (get the 2 pack) I'd see an OBGYN about irregular periods and weird symptoms.

  5. HGC blood tests are rarely wrong, especially after months of waiting. I would call your doctor to make sure something else isn't going on.

    You never know though. I HAVE heard of one person getting false negatives throughout her entire pregnancy.

    Either way...please call your GYN. I'm sure they'll work with you to figure it out and make sure it's not something serious.

  6. Try going back to your doc for another blood test. If that one comes back negative as well it may be time to start testing for something else that may be causing your symptoms.

  7. either take another or have a blood test done or do a urine sample then you will know !!!!!

  8. Women can go years without having a period.  Besides that, after 3 months you should start showing a little bit of a belly.  That, of course, is dependent on your weight.  If your an obese person, you might not be showing.  Blood tests are very accurate (around the 98% mark, if not better), but mistakes could be made.  You could use an over the counter method.  If you were 3 months it would definitely show positive!  The over the counter urine types goes off of the proteins in your blood that would be elevated due to the baby you had in your belly.  If your not pregnant, then you wouldn't have the proteins to show positive.  It's only $9.99 to get a positive yes or no.  Spend the money and find out.  Most planned pregnancy clinics will give the test for free as well.

  9. I bet you have some part to do with this by making yourself feel pregnancy symptoms. You should go back get another blood test, and maybe try a pregnancy test.

  10. did u have s*x. if you didn't then your probably not pregnant. if ur having those symthems them you menstrual cycle needs a cheek up !! get a physical right a way if this is still happening!!!!!!!!!!!!

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