
Do I have a ghost / Did I see a ghost?

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Last night my dog acted very strange. She kept jumping up an moving to another part of the room like something had touched her backside. Then she'd look back where she had just been. Other strange things have happened as well. Items have been moved, I get a creepy feeling in certain parts of my house and one night we were awaken by a VERY LOUD bang. We have no I idea what it was to this day. I have a 9 month old that will sometimes start crying/whinning for no reason. Many odd things. Well, last night I was startled awake (like I am many nights) and there beside my bed I saw what appreared to be a figure of an elderly woman. I couldn't see her face, but I could see her hair (which was nicely done), a white sweater and a silky floral shirt that tied into a knot/bow around her neck. I remember a necklace as well. I blinked several times and she remained there bent over waving her finger at me like a "shame on you". Finally she just faded away. Any thoughts?




  1. since it's obvious the spirit in your house can move things (indicating it is rather strong or very strong-willed at least), some night before you go to bed, clean a table and pour something like flour over it (NOT SALT) and ask the spirit in your house a question that is not yes or no. for yes or no questions, you could find the easiest way for your spirit to communicate yes or no questions.... one knock for yes two knocks for no is pretty standard

    ask your spirit about who she was, why she wants to speak to you, if she has a voice, and why she is staying behind. ask her if you knew her or if you had a tie to her in this life or a previous one...

    if you start thinking the spirit is bad, you might want to hire someone or ask a friend who is skilled in banishing spirits.... but that is a last resort. don't do it yourself because if you do it wrong, you might just p**s off someone who could seriously hurt you.

    best of luck and i hope it's a friendly spirit you have visiting you!

  2. Have you tried an EVP? Electronic voice monitoring?

    You don't need fancy equipment, just some quiet space.

    And I believe dogs/cats do feel the presence of another being, if they are behaving in a manner that wasn't present beforehand.

    I do believe you have a haunting. I've done "cleansing" many times for those homes that have them.

    Reassure the spirit that you are honorable and want to live in harmony with her. This may take awhile.

    She may resent your un married status, but mean you NO harm. Reassuring her will help. Sounds  crazy, but at your point, anything does right?

    hope this helps.


  3. you did see something....not sure wat too. tats kina creepy, you should move............

  4. I believe you probably did see something and have a not so nice spirit in your home. Burn candles, white ones, and tell her to go into the light, that you wish her peace and love, but she cannot stay there, that she must go in the name of Jesus Christ. That she scares the dog and the baby isn't cool (nice spirit won't do this). She's harmless otherwise though. She just needs to be told to move on, that you won't tolerate behavior like that, it's YOUR house.

    Peace to you.

  5. there is no such thing as ghosts..besides me of course. and 9 moth olds usually cry for no reason. dogs are stupid they'll jump at anything the loud bang idk could be something falling from the wall if you shut a door too hard or it was just sitting on a shelf our pictures fall all the time cause we slam doors alot lol

  6. sounds tough, this is what could happen this "spirit" is trying to scare you but if it senses you are not scared hopefully it will go away, but it might even do deeper and darker things, make your baby sick, maybe become more violent, and if thats the case i would say its a demon you can call a regular ghost hunter to see if she/he can identify this spirit as a wanderer, demon, etc.. if its is the case of a demon, call for an exorcist or ask the hunter if thet can do anything about it or know anybody who can help. if all else fails i would say move.

  7. Have you done anything bad in your house that she might have seen? Try to find old family photos and see if any of your grandparents or aunts etc. fit her description.  I guess the main thing is to realize you're being watched. Or, might be sleep paralysis..but doesn't seem to fit that theory. (Your dog might have had a flea it couldn't scratch.) (But, you should pay attention to your dog. I believe they pick up on spirits before we do.)

    Edit..If this woman is from another era...even a generation or so ago...she might be saying she wants you to get married. (I'm just guessing..NOT "accusing".)(NOT "waving my finger" lol)

  8. well it might be a spirit that is  probably lost. sometimes they need our help to find peace, so try praying out loud and let her that that is your house and you will take care of it, cuz she may have lived there before and when she passed, her spirit never left!! tell her to please leave your house, don't be scared though cuz spirits never hurt you!

  9. Sounds interesting.

    Maybe set up a video recorder in the hot spots of your home, and a voice recorder.

    Just make sure all radios are turned off before doing this.

    Maybe you should try to contact the spirit and speak to it like it's a live human being.

    Introduce your family and ask that it not harm any of you.

    Also make it aware that you are the new home owners and that it is now 2008.

    Maybe do some research on the property. Find out if anyone had passed away in the home or on the property.

    And if you live within a miles distance from a cemetery.

  10. I have the same problem with my house some parts of my house such as the attic and the closet in my bedroom give me an erie feel I also have a baby he is 7 months old and wakes up crying for no reason I had a spiritualist tell me i had some type spirit in my house maybe this can help you not feel so alone or scared by the way i have dogs outside and the bark for no reason sometimes mostly the nights i can't sleep my mother also heard last night like some one was breathing hard in the living room the she her chains rattle and got scared i belive what you say is true and hope fully some one can help me and you

  11. No one believer or skeptics can say with any certainty if you saw a ghost or not. You were the one that experienced it and so you are the only one that knows what you experienced.

    However, if you wish to approach this from a scientific perspective (if you don't that is also up to you) you would have to examine each incident by itself not collectively attempting to eliminate normal explanations first.

    As the mean spirited and rude skeptic suggested (actually he offered it as if he knew because skeptics if you didn't know don't believe in God they believe they are God at least in the sense that they know all even when they were not present for an experience) it could be fleas, or ticks, or an allergy, or a skin condition if this is unusual behavior for your dog and you see it again I would bathe him/her and if it continues maybe a trip to the vet just to take a look.

    If objects are being moved keep a record of which objects and at what locations once you have a pattern you can then conduct experiments including video taping certain objects to see if they move.

    OK you heard a loud bang once and it is unexplained. One time events are very difficult to investigate. While I suspect this remain unexplained I'm sure some YA skeptic knows for certain that it was a car backfiring as it drove by your house.

    Babies cry for no apparent reason all the time and unfortunately memory hasn't taken hold yet so when they learn to talk they still can't tell us (because they don't know) why they were crying for no apparent reason.

    It is possible that you were experiencing a hallucination brought on by sleep paralysis. This is when the body is between awake and falling asleep or between being asleep and waking up and there is a delay between your body and consciousness. I have included a link below for you on this experience.

    If these explanations do not fit for you for whatever reason that is OK science has many things left to explain.


  12. OOO that's freaky, I think unless you were dreaming yeah you must! You should contact Ghost Hunters, they do their work for free and they usually always take cases involving children. That's scary

  13. We have experienced pheonominom my whole life.  Some people are just more receptive to things going on around them.  Science has proven that in space, things that were said in the 60's (for example) are still heard if you travel beyond the speed of sound and catch up to it.  We don't understand everything that happens arounds us.  

    I think that people who are looking apt to see.

  14. get an excorsism on the house from a catholic priest asap. it coullddd be serious. and it could get worse.

  15. your dog has fleas.

    things don't move by themselves, you just forget where they were in the first place.

    your child probably cries because you're spooking him/her out.

    you've had a lucid dream.

    there's no such thing as ghosts !

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